There used to be a problem when creating an object named 'index_html' in Plone using WebDAV. The problem occurred because Plone Folder's 'index_html' was a ComputedAttribute used to acquire index_html from skins when there was no index_html Document on the portal root. However, this ComputedAttribute didn't handle WebDAV 'PUT' request correctly. This test ensures that the fix doesn't regress. >>> from import TEST_USER_NAME >>> from import TEST_USER_PASSWORD >>> from StringIO import StringIO Get path of our home folder: >>> folder_path = '/'.join(self.folder.getPhysicalPath()) Make sure index_html doesn't exist yet: >>> 'index_html' in self.folder False PUT index_html into a Plone Folder. Should work just fine. >>> body = 'I am the walrus' >>> length = len(body) >>> res = self.publish( ... folder_path + '/index_html', ... basic=TEST_USER_NAME + ':' + TEST_USER_PASSWORD, ... env={'Content-Length': length}, ... stdin=StringIO(body), ... request_method='PUT', ... handle_errors=False) >>> res.status 201 >>> 'index_html' in self.folder True >>> print self.folder._getOb('index_html').meta_type ATDocument Now, let's try the same at the Portal level: >>> portal_path = '/'.join(self.portal.getPhysicalPath()) Make sure index_html doesn't exist yet: >>> 'index_html' in self.portal False But when we access it directly we should get a FSPageTemplate: >>> print self.portal.index_html.meta_type Filesystem Page Template Give Manager role to the test user: >>> self.setRoles(['Manager']) PUT index_html into Plone root. Should work just fine. >>> body = 'I am the walrus' >>> length = len(body) >>> res = self.publish( ... portal_path + '/index_html', ... basic=TEST_USER_NAME + ':' + TEST_USER_PASSWORD, ... env={'Content-Length': length}, ... stdin=StringIO(body), ... request_method='PUT', ... handle_errors=False) >>> res.status 201 >>> 'index_html' in self.portal True >>> print self.portal._getOb('index_html').meta_type ATDocument