Tests for QuickInstaller Actions installation ============================================= First we set three convenience variables for later use: >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> portal >>> qi = getattr(portal, 'portal_quickinstaller', None) >>> qi >>> actions_tool = portal.portal_actions >>> actions_tool And register the QI tool as a utility: >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager >>> from Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool.interfaces import IQuickInstallerTool >>> sm = getSiteManager() >>> sm.registerUtility(qi, IQuickInstallerTool) Install a product through an extension profile ---------------------------------------------- >>> result = qi.installProduct('CMFQuickInstallerTool', ... profile='Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool:test') Make sure the actions were added: >>> 'test1' in [a.id for a in actions_tool.listActions()] True >>> 'test2' in [a.id for a in actions_tool.listActions()] True Uninstall the product --------------------- >>> qi.uninstallProducts(products=['CMFQuickInstallerTool']) Verify that all added entries were removed again: >>> 'test1' in [a.id for a in actions_tool.listActions()] False >>> 'test2' in [a.id for a in actions_tool.listActions()] False >>> 'test_category' in actions_tool.objectIds() False TearDown -------- Make sure the QI tool is still there: >>> qi = getattr(portal, 'portal_quickinstaller', None) >>> qi