Tests for QuickInstaller installation

First we set three convenience variables for later use:

  >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager
  >>> from Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool.interfaces import IQuickInstallerTool
  >>> from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName

  >>> portal = layer['portal']
  >>> portal
  <PloneSite at /plone>

  >>> qi = getattr(portal, 'portal_quickinstaller', None)
  >>> qi
  <QuickInstallerTool at /plone/portal_quickinstaller>

And register the QI tool as a utility:

  >>> sm = getSiteManager()
  >>> sm.registerUtility(qi, IQuickInstallerTool)

And create a fake add-on for us to install:

  >>> import sys
  >>> from Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool import interfaces
  >>> sys.modules['Products.QITest'] = interfaces
  >>> from Products.GenericSetup.registry import _profile_registry
  >>> _profile_registry.registerProfile('default', 'Test',
  ...     '', interfaces.__path__[0], 'QITest', 2)

Install a product

Before installing QITest as an example, let's make sure
we have no InstalledProduct instance in the QI tool:

  >>> 'QITest' in qi.objectIds()

After checking that the product is not installed yet, we do install it:

  >>> qi.installProducts(products=['QITest'])
  '...Installed Products...QITest:ok:...'

Now we have an InstalledProduct instance in the QI tool:

  >>> 'QITest' in qi.objectIds()

  >>> product = qi['QITest']
  >>> product.isInstalled()

Uninstall the product again

  >>> qi.uninstallProducts(products=['QITest'])

And we no longer have an InstalledProduct instance in the QI tool:

  >>> 'QITest' in qi.objectIds()

  >>> qi.isProductInstalled('QITest')

  >>> setup = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_setup')
  >>> logs = [i for i in setup.objectIds() if 'QITest' in i]
  >>> for i in logs:
  ...     setup._delObject(i)

Install a product which has a GenericSetup dependency

There was a bug where if you installed a product which depends on another
product, and then uninstalled it, the dependency's entries would be
removed. Let's make sure that doesn't happen!

First we need to fake a product that depends on QITest:
  >>> import sys
  >>> from Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool import tests
  >>> sys.modules['Products.QITest2'] = tests
  >>> from Products.GenericSetup.registry import _profile_registry
  >>> _profile_registry.registerProfile('default', 'Test',
  ...     '', tests.__path__[0], 'QITest2', 2)

Now we install our fake product:

  >>> qi.installProducts(products=['QITest2'], omitSnapshots=True)
  '...Installed Products...QITest2:ok:...'

And confirm that QITest stuff was installed:

  >>> qi['QITest'].isInstalled()

And remove it:

  >>> qi.uninstallProducts(products=['QITest2'])

The QITest stuff should still be present:

  >>> qi['QITest'].isInstalled()

Install and Reinstall without deleting custom content

Custom products can add content items (especially folders) to the root
of a plone site. We want to be sure NOT to delete these "non-tool"
items. To emulate this we can install any product, add some content,
and then fudge the snapshot to make it seem like it was added by the
install of the product.

  >>> before = qi.snapshotPortal(portal)

Generic Setup does not like so many installs and needs to fix its timestamp
for logging. For now lets artificially time it

  >>> import time;time.sleep(1)

  >>> qi.installProducts(products=['QITest'])
  '...Installed Products...QITest:ok:...'

First make sure we can actually create content.

  >>> from plone.app.testing import setRoles
  >>> setRoles(portal, 'test_user_1_', ['Contributor'])

Add a document to the root - this should remain after uninstall.

  >>> portal.manage_addFolder("test", title="Test")
  >>> 'test' in portal.objectIds()

Fudge the snapshot

  >>> after = qi.snapshotPortal(portal)
  >>> settings = qi.deriveSettingsFromSnapshots(before, after)
  >>> p = qi['QITest']
  >>> p.update(settings=settings)

Uninstall the product and confirm the content is still there

  >>> qi.uninstallProducts(products=['QITest'])
  >>> 'test' in portal.objectIds()

Test getUninstallProfile method

  >>> sys.modules['Products.QITest3'] = tests
  >>> qi.installProducts(products=['QITest3'])
  '...Installed Products...QITest3:ok:...'

  >>> qi.getUninstallProfile('QITest3')
  >>> _profile_registry.registerProfile('uninstall', 'Test',
  ...     '', interfaces.__path__[0], 'QITest3', 2)
  >>> uninstall = qi.getUninstallProfile('QITest3')
  >>> uninstall['id']


  >>> qi.uninstallProducts(products=['QITest3'])

Uninstalling should run the uninstall-profile

We need to test against a step that is not auto-removed by _cascadeRemove,
so we add "UninstallTest" to default_page_types in site_properties via
a propertiestool.xml.

Create a dummy product

  >>> sys.modules['Products.QITest4'] = tests

Make sure there is no dummy in site_properties

  >>> portal_properties = portal.portal_properties
  >>> portal_properties
  <PropertiesTool at /plone/portal_properties>
  >>> sp = portal_properties.site_properties
  >>> 'UninstallTest' in sp.getProperty('default_page_types', [])

Installing the product should not run any profile and thus set no properties.

  >>> qi.installProducts(products=['QITest4'])
  '...Installed Products...QITest4:ok:...'
  >>> 'UninstallTest' in sp.getProperty('default_page_types', [])

Register a 'default'-profile that points to profiles/test

  >>> interfaces_path = interfaces.__path__[0]
  >>> default_path = interfaces_path[:-11] + '/profiles/test'
  >>> _profile_registry.registerProfile('default', 'UninstallTest', '', default_path, 'QITest4', 2)

Installing the product now runs the default-profile.

  >>> qi.installProducts(products=['QITest4'])
  '...Installed Products...QITest4:ok:...'

Make sure the property was set by the default-profile.

  >>> 'UninstallTest' in sp.getProperty('default_page_types', [])

There is no uninstall-profile yet, so the property is kept on uninstalling.

  >>> qi.getUninstallProfile('QITest4')
  >>> 'UninstallTest' in sp.getProperty('default_page_types', [])

Install again.

  >>> qi.installProducts(products=['QITest4'])
  '...Installed Products...QITest4:ok:...'

Register a uninstall profile that points to the profiles/test_uninstall

  >>> uninstall_path = interfaces_path[:-11] + '/profiles/test_uninstall'
  >>> _profile_registry.registerProfile('uninstall', 'UninstallTest', '', uninstall_path, 'QITest4', 2)

  >>> uninstall = qi.getUninstallProfile('QITest4')
  >>> uninstall['id']

Uninstalling now runs the uninstall-profile, thus removing the property.

  >>> qi.uninstallProducts(products=['QITest4'])
  >>> 'UninstallTest' in sp.getProperty('default_page_types', [])