Products.DCWorkflow Changelog ============================= 2.2.4 (2011-11-01) ------------------ - Fixed issue with non-ascii chars in workflow definitions - Don't crash worklist's ``manage_main`` if variables are Expression objects. ( - Allow renaming of states, transitions, variables and worklists 2.2.3 (2011-01-12) ------------------ - Explicitly include permissions from CMFCore, which are needed now that they aren't declared in Five in Zope 2.13. 2.2.2 (2010-11-11) ------------------ - Fixed Chameleon compatibility in ``. - Workflow states cannot be renamed through the ZMI. ( 2.2.1 (2010-07-04) ------------------ - Deal with deprecation warnings for Zope 2.13. 2.2.0 (2010-01-04) ------------------ - no changes from version 2.2.0-beta 2.2.0-beta (2009-12-06) ----------------------- - no changes from version 2.2.0-alpha 2.2.0-alpha (2009-11-13) ------------------------ - moved the Zope dependency to version 2.12.0b3dev - Worklists: The catalog variable match setting can now be a formatted string (as before), but also a qualified TAL expression, meaning it has a prefix like "string:", "python:". ( - exportimport: Support for instance creation guards and manager bypass added. ( - Cleaned up / normalized imports: o Don't import from Globals; instead, use real locations. o Make other imports use the actual source module, rather than an intermediate (e.g., prefer importing 'ClassSecurityInfo' from 'AccessControl.SecurityInfo' rather than from 'AccessControl'). o Avoid relative imports, which will break in later versions of Python. - Strip trailing newlines in order to properly match with a msgid when translating transition descriptions. - Workflow UI: Remove ancient cruft to accommodate the proprietary (and long dead) base_cms product. - Worklists and Transitions: Add icon expression properties to worklist and transition actions and their GenericSetup profiles. - Fixed an import error (Products.PageTemplates.TALES is gone on Zope trunk). Because we require Zope >= 2.10, we don't need a BBB conditional import. 2.1.2 (2008-09-13) ------------------ - test fixture: Fix failng tests with GenericSetup > 1.3 by explicitly loading GS' meta.zcml during setup. 2.1.2-beta (2008-08-26) ----------------------- - completed devolution from monolithic CMF package into its component products that are distributed as eggs from PyPI. 2.1.1 (2008-01-06) ------------------ - no changes 2.1.1-beta(2007-12/29) ---------------------- - Testing: Derive test layers from ZopeLite layer if available. - exportimport: Scripts with invalid types imported after scripts with valid types will no longer place the valid script twice. Scripts can also now be specified with meta_types other than the hard-coded meta_types. - AfterTransitionEvent now passes along the new status of the object, just as StateChangeInfo passes on the new status to after-transition scripts. ( 2.1.0 (2007-08-08) ------------------ - Fixed all componentregistry.xml files to use plain object paths and strip and slashes. GenericSetup does only support registering objects which are in the site root. 2.1.0-beta2 (2007-07-12) ------------------------ - moved the Zope dependency to version 2.10.4 - Remove antique usage of marker attributes in favor of interfaces, leaving BBB behind for places potentially affecting third-party code. ( - Add POST-only protections to security critical methods. - Workflow definition instances now have a description field ( 2.1.0-beta (2007-03-09) ----------------------- - moved the Zope dependency to verson 2.10.2 - Tool lookup and registration is now done "the Zope 3 way" as utilities, see - Merged patches from Martin Aspeli to enable generating events before and after DCWorkflow transitions, and in the 'notify' methods of the workflow tool ( 2.1.0-alpha2 (2006-11-23) ------------------------- - moved the Zope dependency to version 2.10.1 - Fixed test breakage induced by use of Z3 pagetemplates in Zope 2.10+. - browser views: Added some zope.formlib based forms. - testing: Added test layers for setting up ZCML. 2.1.0-alpha (2006-10-09) ------------------------ - skins: Changed encoding of translated portal_status_messages. Now getBrowserCharset is used to play nice with Five forms. Customized setRedirect and getMainGlobals scripts have to be updated. - Profiles: All profiles are now registered by ZCML. - ZClasses: Removed unmaintained support for ZClasses. Marked the 'initializeBases*' methods as deprecated. - Content: Added IFactory utilities for all content classes. They are now used by default instead of the old constructor methods. - Content: All content classes are now registered by ZCML. ContentInit is still used to register oldstyle constructors. - setup handlers: Removed support for CMF 1.5 CMFSetup profiles. Earlier releases ---------------- For a complete list of changes before version 2.1.0-alpha, see the HISTORY.txt file on the CMF-2.1 branch: