Changelog ========= 1.0.5 - 2011-07-27 ------------------ - Upgrade imports, remove warnings in Zope 2.13. [lzdych] - Do not show docstrings of datetime, date, time, and timedelta attributes. [stefan] 1.0.4 - 2009-05-26 ------------------ - CHANGES.txt didn't make it into the long desc (and onto this page). 1.0.3 - 2009-05-25 ------------------ - Reformat README.txt and CHANGES.txt to use restructured text. - Repackage as a Python source egg. 1.0.2 ----- - Print a pretty None. 1.0.1 ----- - Do not show docstrings of DateTime attributes. 1.0 --- - Update to DocFinder 1.0.3. - Require at least Python 2.3. - Use logging instead of zLOG. - Handle Acquisition.Acquired. - Handle property, staticmethod, and classmethod. 0.5.3 ----- - Minor tweaks to the monkey patch and showDocumentation.dtml. - Added 'bool' and 'complex' to simple types mapping. - Don't display zope.interface internal attributes. 0.5.2 ----- - Format roles more nicely, remove duplicates and faux roles, sort. - You can get the raw representation back by setting FORMAT_ROLES=0 in 0.5.0 ----- - Renamed product to DocFinderTab. - Do not display docstrings but names of simple types in Python 2.3. 0.4.1 ----- - Cookies did not work for everybody, they do now. 0.4.0 ----- - Make full use of DocFinder 0.4's filtering capabilities. Results may now be filtered by regular expression and level of detail. - Even nicer stylesheets for structured text. - Again change the monkey patch and apply it to Item only. 0.3.4 ----- - Patch ObjectManager instead of Application. Thanks to Gilles Lenfant. 0.3.3 ----- - Go even further and patch Bindings directly. - Fix file permissions issue. 0.3.2 ----- - Boldly patch the Script base class. 0.3.0 ----- - Added 'View documentation' permission. 0.2.0 ----- - Monkey patch wrapper around Dieter Maurer's DocFinder_ product. Adds a ZMI "Doc" tab to all Zope objects. .. _DocFinder: