Functional tests for PasswordResetTool ====================================== Introduction ------------ Note that our usage of testbrowser is unusual and inconsistent, mostly because Plone forms have inconsistencies and because testbrowser makes assumptions that are not true for Plone forms. >>> from plone.testing.z2 import Browser >>> from import TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD >>> browser = Browser(layer['app']) Assumptions ----------- First of all we have to be aware that Plone by default implements two distinct password policies regarding member registration. A. Users can provide their own password (and can optionally be send an e-mail with login credentials) and can login directly without validation of the e-mail address. B. A password is generated for the users (and an e-mail with login credentials is sent automatically). This policy can be enabled or disabled with the ``enable_user_pwd_choice`` setting in the security control panel. By default ``enable_user_pwd_choice`` is disabled and the second policy applies. Another aspect we have to take into account is the fact that Plone by default only allows Administrators to register (other) members, but allowing users to register themselves can be enabled. Users of PasswordResetTool don't want any credentials to be sent out via e-mail. Instead, PasswordResetTool sends out an e-mail containing an URL where the user can set their password. The PasswordResetTool has to respect both policies (A and B) and both use cases (Anonymous or Admin?). The desired result after installing PasswordResetTool is as follows: 1. Anonymous user registers himself A. Users can provide their own password during registration, but don't have the option to send credentials by e-mail. B. Users can't provide a password but are sent an e-mail with a link to set their password. (Validates e-mail address.) 2. Site Admin registers a user A. The Site Admin can provide a password. He is not allowed to send the credentials via e-mail. B. The Site Admin can't provide a password. Instead, Plone will send the registered user an e-mail with a link to set the password. (Validates e-mail address.) In addition, we want users to be logged in directly whenever possible. E.g., whenever a user enters his credentials he should not be asked for it again on the next page. 1A. User joins and forgets password ----------------------------------- What we do here: - Join the portal - Log in - Log out again - Forget our password (this is where PasswordResetTool comes in) - Check if this is a soft reset (old password already works until changed) - Read the e-mail that contains the URL we visit to reset our password - Reset our password - Log in with our new password Let's go directly to the security control panel: >>> from import SITE_OWNER_NAME, SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', ... 'Basic %s:%s' % (SITE_OWNER_NAME, SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD)) >>>'http://nohost/plone/@@security-controlpanel') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.widgets.enable_self_reg:list") >>> ctrl.value = ['selected'] >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name="form.widgets.enable_user_pwd_choice:list") >>> ctrl.value = ['selected'] >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() Let's join as a new user. Plone's default settings won't let the user type in his initial password, so we need to enable that: >>> browser = Browser(layer['app']) >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getLink('Log in').click() >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = TEST_USER_NAME >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = TEST_USER_PASSWORD >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True Log out again and then join: >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>> "You are now logged out" in browser.contents True >>> 'New user?' in browser.contents # Sunburst theme has no Register link True Now register a new user: >>>'http://nohost/plone/@@register') >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/@@register' >>> browser.getControl('User Name').value = 'jsmith' >>> browser.getControl('E-mail').value = '' >>> browser.getControl('Password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl('Confirm password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl('Register').click() XXX Make sure we don't have a way to receive our credentials via e-mail. >>> "You have been registered" in browser.contents True We are not logged in yet at this point. Let's try to log in: >>> browser.getLink('Log in').click() >>> browser.url.startswith('http://nohost/plone/login') True >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'jsmith' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True Log out again: >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>> "You are now logged out" in browser.contents True Now it is time to forget our password and click the ``Forgot your password`` in the login form: >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getLink('we can send you a new one').click() >>> browser.url.startswith('http://nohost/plone/mail_password_form') True >>> form = browser.getForm(name='mail_password') >>> form.getControl(name='userid').value = 'jsmith' >>> form.submit() We check if the old password always works. >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'jsmith' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() We should be logged in now: >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True Log out again: >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>> "You are now logged out" in browser.contents True As part of our test setup, we replaced the original MailHost with our own version. Our version doesn't mail messages, it just collects them in a list called ``messages``: >>> mailhost = layer['portal'].MailHost >>> len(mailhost.messages) 1 >>> msg = mailhost.messages[0] Now that we have the message, we want to look at its contents, and then we extract the address that lets us reset our password: >>> import quopri >>> msg = quopri.decodestring(msg) >>> "To:" in msg True >>> "The site administrator asks you to reset your password for 'jsmith' userid" in msg False >>> please_visit_text = "The following link will take you to a page where you can reset your password for Plone site site:" >>> please_visit_text in msg True >>> url_index = msg.index(please_visit_text) + len(please_visit_text) >>> address = msg[url_index:].strip().split()[0] >>> address # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 'http://nohost/plone/passwordreset/...' >>> "If you didn't expect to receive this email" in msg True Now that we have the address, we will reset our password: >>> >>> "Set your password" in browser.contents True >>> form = browser.getForm(name='pwreset_action') >>> form.getControl(name='userid').value = 'jsmith' >>> form.getControl(name='password').value = 'secretion' >>> form.getControl(name='password2').value = 'secretion' >>> form.submit() We can now login using our new password: >>> "Your password has been set successfully." in browser.contents True >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/pwreset_finish' >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'jsmith' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secretion' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() We should be logged in now: >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True Log out again: >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>> "You are now logged out" in browser.contents True 2A. Administrator registers user -------------------------------- - Log in as the portal owner - Browse to User and Group Management and add user - Register a member (with send email checked???) - Log out - Log in as the new member - A manager resets a user password - Check if this is a hard reset (old password is changed) - Check the received mail First, we want to login as the portal owner: >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = SITE_OWNER_NAME >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True We navigate to the Users Overview page and register a new user: >>> browser.getLink('Site Setup').click() >>> browser.getLink('Users and Groups').click() >>> browser.getLink('Add New User').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/@@new-user' >>> browser.getControl('User Name').value = 'wsmith' >>> browser.getControl('E-mail').value = '' >>> browser.getControl('Password').value = 'supersecret' >>> browser.getControl('Confirm password').value = 'supersecret' >>> browser.getControl('Register').click() >>> 'User added.' in browser.contents True XXX Make sure we don't have a way to send the credentials via e-mail. We want to logout and login as the new member: >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'wsmith' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'supersecret' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() Again, we want to login as the portal owner: >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = SITE_OWNER_NAME >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True We navigate to the Users Overview page and reset a password user: >>> browser.getLink('Site Setup').click() >>> browser.getLink('Users and Groups').click() >>> resets = browser.getControl(name='users.resetpassword:records') >>> reset = resets.getControl(value='wsmith') >>> reset.selected = True >>> browser.getControl(name="form.button.Modify").click() >>> "Changes applied." in browser.contents True >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>> "You are now logged out" in browser.contents True We check if the old password is well changed. >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'wsmith' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'supersecret' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() We should not be logged in: >>> "Login failed" in browser.contents True We should have received an e-mail at this point: >>> mailhost = layer['portal'].MailHost >>> len(mailhost.messages) 2 >>> import quopri >>> msg = quopri.decodestring(str(mailhost.messages[-1])) >>> "The site administrator asks you to reset your password for 'wsmith' userid" in msg True >>> please_visit_text = "The following link will take you to a page where you can reset your password for Plone site site:" >>> please_visit_text in msg True >>> "If you didn't expect to receive this email" in msg False 1B. User joins with e-mail validation enabled and forgets password ------------------------------------------------------------------ What we do here is quite similiar to 1A, but instead of typing in the password ourselves, we will be sent an e-mail with the URL to set our password. First off, we need to set ``validate_mail`` to False: >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = SITE_OWNER_NAME >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True Let's go directly to the security control panel: >>>'http://nohost/plone/@@security-controlpanel') >>> ctrl = browser.getControl("Let users select their own passwords") >>> ctrl.selected = False >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() Log out again and then join: >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>> "You are now logged out" in browser.contents True >>>'http://nohost/plone/@@register') >>> browser.getControl('User Name').value = 'bsmith' >>> browser.getControl('E-mail').value = '' We shouldn't be able to fill in our password: >>> browser.getControl('Password').value = 'secret' # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: label 'Password' Now register: >>> browser.getControl('Register').click() >>> "You have been registered" in browser.contents True We should have received an e-mail at this point: >>> mailhost = layer['portal'].MailHost >>> len(mailhost.messages) 3 >>> msg = str(mailhost.messages[-1]) Now that we have the message, we want to look at its contents, and then we extract the address that lets us reset our password: >>> from email.parser import Parser >>> import re >>> parser = Parser() >>> message = parser.parsestr(msg) >>> message["To"] '' >>> msgtext = quopri.decodestring(message.get_payload()) >>> "Please activate it by visiting" in msgtext True >>> address ='(http://nohost/plone/passwordreset/[a-z0-9]+\?userid=[\w]*)\s', msgtext).groups()[0] Now that we have the address, we will reset our password: >>> >>> "Please fill out the form below to set your password" in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl(name='userid').value = 'bsmith' >>> browser.getControl(name='password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl(name='password2').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl("Set my password").click() >>> "Your password has been set successfully." in browser.contents True Now we can log in: >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl("Login Name").value = 'bsmith' >>> browser.getControl("Password").value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl("Log in").click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True Log out again: >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>> "You are now logged out" in browser.contents True 2B. Administrator adds user with email validation enabled --------------------------------------------------------- Simliar to 2A, but instead of setting the password for new member, an e-mail is sent containing the URL that lets the user log in. First, we want to login as the portal owner: >>> from import SITE_OWNER_NAME, SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = SITE_OWNER_NAME >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True We navigate to the Users Overview page and register a new user: >>> browser.getLink('Site Setup').click() >>> browser.getLink('Users and Groups').click() >>> browser.getLink('Add New User').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/@@new-user' >>> browser.getControl('User Name').value = 'wwwsmith' >>> browser.getControl('E-mail').value = '' >>> browser.getControl('Password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl('Confirm password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl('Send a confirmation mail with a link to set the password').selected = True Now register and logout: >>> browser.getControl('Register').click() >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click() >>> "You are now logged out" in browser.contents True We should have received an e-mail at this point: >>> mailhost = layer['portal'].MailHost >>> len(mailhost.messages) 4 >>> msg = str(mailhost.messages[-1]) Now that we have the message, we want to look at its contents, and then we extract the address that lets us reset our password: >>> message = parser.parsestr(msg) >>> message["To"] '' >>> msgtext = quopri.decodestring(message.get_payload()) >>> "Please activate it by visiting" in msgtext True >>> address ='(http://nohost/plone/passwordreset/[a-z0-9]+\?userid=[\w]*)\s', msgtext).groups()[0] Now that we have the address, we will reset our password: >>> >>> "Please fill out the form below to set your password" in browser.contents True >>> browser.getControl(name='userid').value = 'wwwsmith' >>> browser.getControl(name='password').value = 'superstr0ng' >>> browser.getControl(name='password2').value = 'superstr0ng' >>> browser.getControl("Set my password").click() >>> "Your password has been set successfully." in browser.contents True Now we can log in: >>>'http://nohost/plone/login') >>> browser.getControl("Login Name").value = 'wwwsmith' >>> browser.getControl("Password").value = 'superstr0ng' >>> browser.getControl("Log in").click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True >>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()