ZCUserFolder TODOs ================== - (x) Migrate plugins to a separately-manageable object. (TS, 2003/10/17) - (x) Test 'validate' using stubbed-in plugins. - (x) Implement TALES evaluation for plugin expressions. - (x) Define SimpleUserFolder-workalike authentication, challenge, and update plugins. Use BTrees for credential storage. - (x) Make the PluggableAuthService register itself as '__allow_groups__' for its folder, and test simple auth. - ( ) Define a BTree-based decorator and update plugins, and test. - ( ) Lift the group-definition plugins from Chris' Groups product ("static" using BTree-based relationships, "dynamic" using rules?). Test with existing plugin set. - ( ) Define a simple validation plugin for the default login-name and password propertyset. - ( ) Define and /etc/passwd-based authentication plugin. Test mix-and-match with BTree decorator. - (x) Create export / import facilities (GenericSetup) - (x) Test layering of authentication plugins (try BTree first, then fall back to /etc/passwd). - ( ) Test layering of decorator plugins. - ( ) Test layering of groups plugins (get groups from /etc/passwd, then expand using relationship). - (x) Test Shibboleth-like auth plugin (need some way to fake the headers into the request). - (x) Test Shibboleth-like group and decorator plugins. - ( ) Explore issues for enumeration / search plugins.