Test browser pages ================== Let's register a quite large amount of test pages: >>> import Products.Five.browser.tests >>> from Zope2.App import zcml >>> zcml.load_config("configure.zcml", Products.Five) >>> zcml.load_config('pages.zcml', package=Products.Five.browser.tests) Let's add a test object that we view most of the pages off of: >>> from Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent import manage_addSimpleContent >>> manage_addSimpleContent(self.folder, 'testoid', 'Testoid') We also need to create a stub user account and login; otherwise we wouldn't have all the rights to do traversal etc.: >>> uf = self.folder.acl_users >>> _ignored = uf._doAddUser('manager', 'r00t', ['Manager'], []) >>> self.login('manager') Now for some actual testing... Simple pages ------------ A browser page that is a view class's attribute (method): >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/eagle.txt') >>> view is not None True >>> from Products.Five.browser.tests.pages import SimpleView >>> isinstance(view, SimpleView) True >>> view() u'The eagle has landed' A browser page that is a Page Template. >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/owl.html') >>> view() u'


' A browser page that is a PageTemplate plus a view class: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/falcon.html') >>> isinstance(view, SimpleView) True >>> view() u'

The falcon has taken flight

' Test pages that have been registered through the cumulative directive: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/eagle-page.txt') >>> isinstance(view, SimpleView) True >>> view() u'The eagle has landed' >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/mouse-page.txt') >>> isinstance(view, SimpleView) True >>> view() u'The mouse has been eaten by the eagle' Zope 2 objects always need a docstring in order to be published. Five adds a docstring automatically if a view method doesn't have it, but it shouldn't modify existing ones: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/eagle.txt') >>> view.eagle.__doc__ == SimpleView.eagle.__doc__ True Make sure new-style classes work fine as view classes: >>> self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/@@new_style_class') At one point browser classes with no attribute and no template values specified wasn't getting BrowserView mixed in. Lets make sure it is now: >>> self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/@@new_style_class2') Both browser:view and browser:page are ILocation providers, so make sure they have a __name__ attribute with a str instance: >>> page = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/eagle.txt') >>> page.__name__ 'eagle.txt' >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/named_view') >>> view.__name__ 'named_view' ZPT-based browser pages ----------------------- Test access to ``context`` from ZPTs: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/flamingo.html') >>> print view()

Hello world

Hello world

Test macro access from ZPT pages: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/seagull.html') >>> view() u'bird macroColor: gray\n' test_zpt_things: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/condor.html') >>> print view()

Hello world

The eagle has landed

Hello world

Hello world

Make sure that tal:repeat works in ZPT browser pages: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/ostrich.html') >>> print view()
  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Gamma
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
Test TALES traversal in ZPT pages: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/tales_traversal.html') >>> print view()



Make sure that global template variables in ZPT pages are correct: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/template_variables.html') >>> print view() View is a view: True Context is testoid: True Context.aq_parent is test_folder_1_: True Container is context: True Here is context: True Nothing is None: True Default works: True Root is the application: True Template is a template: True Traverse_subpath exists and is empty: True Request is a request: True User is manager: True Options exist: True Attrs exist: True Repeat exists: True Loop exists: True Modules exists: True Make sure that ZPT's aren't a security-less zone. Let's logout and try to access some protected stuff. Let's not forgot to login again, of course: >>> from AccessControl import allow_module >>> allow_module('smtpd') >>> self.logout() >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/security.html') >>> print view()
>>> self.login('manager') Test pages registered through the directive: >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/dirpage1') >>> print view()

This is page 1

>>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/dirpage2') >>> print view()

This is page 2

Low-level security ------------------ This tests security on a low level (functional pages test has high-level security tests). Let's manually look up a protected view: >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> view = getMultiAdapter((self.folder.testoid, request), name=u'eagle.txt') It's protecting the object with the permission, and not the attribute, so we get ('',) instead of ('eagle',): >>> view.__ac_permissions__ (('View management screens', ('',)),) The view's __roles__ attribute can be evaluated correctly: (We have to use aq_acquire here instead of a simple getattr. The reason is that __roles__ actually is an object that expects being called through the __of__ protocol upon which it renders the roles tuple. aq_acquire will trigger this for us. This isn't a problem, really, because AccessControl ends up using aq_acquire anyway, so it Just Works.) >>> from Acquisition import aq_acquire >>> aq_acquire(view, '__roles__') ('Manager',) Check to see if view's context properly acquires its true parent >>> from Acquisition import aq_parent, aq_base, aq_inner >>> context = view.context Check the wrapper type >>> from Acquisition import ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper >>> type(context) == ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper True The parent of the view is the view's context: >>> view.__parent__ == view.context True >>> aq_parent(view) == view.context True The direct parent of the context is >>> context.aq_inner.aq_parent C methods work the same >>> aq_parent(aq_inner(context)) The same applies to a view registered with instead of >>> request = TestRequest() >>> view = getMultiAdapter((self.folder.testoid, request), name=u'permission_view') >>> view.__ac_permissions__ (('View management screens', ('',)),) >>> aq_acquire(view, '__roles__') ('Manager',) >>> context = view.context >>> from Acquisition import ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper >>> type(context) == ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper True >>> view.__parent__ == view.context True >>> aq_parent(view) == view.context True >>> context.aq_inner.aq_parent >>> aq_parent(aq_inner(context)) Make sure that methods which are not included in the allowed interface or attributes, but which already had security declarations from a base class, don't get those declarations overridden to be private. (The roles for restrictedTraverse should be None, indicating it is public.) >>> view.restrictedTraverse__roles__ Other ----- Make sure that browser pages can be overridden: >>> zcml.load_string(''' ... ... ''') >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/overridden_view') >>> view() u'The mouse has been eaten by the eagle' Test traversal to resources from within ZPT pages: >>> zcml.load_config('resource.zcml', package=Products.Five.browser.tests) >>> view = self.folder.unrestrictedTraverse('testoid/parakeet.html') >>> print view() Clean up -------- >>> from zope.component.testing import tearDown >>> tearDown()