[Later changes are logged in Zope's CHANGES.txt] 0.9.10 (Zope 2.11 edition) - Switched to Zope3 interfaces. - Removed broken profiler support. - Added hasPackage and installPackage functions for dealing with "products" registered via five:registerPackage. - Provide access to test globs in doctest setUp and tearDown. 0.9.9 (Zope 2.11 edition) - transaction.commit(1) is deprecated in favor of transaction.savepoint(1). - Don't break if Python distros ship without profile support (Debian, Ubuntu). - Functional.publish() would hang if it got a request_method argument other than GET or HEAD while omitting the stdin argument. - installProduct() now becomes a noop if ZopeTestCase did not apply its patches. - Made functional doctests set cookie related headers. - Made functional doctests set the Www-Authenticate header. - Made sure logging is configured. - Made base.TestCase a new-style class. - Added placeless.py for Z3-style setup. Thanks to Whit Morriss. - Fixed functional.http() to only pass the request body (no headers) to publish_module(). Thanks to Andreas Zeidler. - Fixed doctestsuite factory to copy layers from test_class to the suite. Thanks to Whit Morris. 0.9.8 (Zope 2.8 edition) - Renamed 'doctest' package to 'zopedoctest' because of name-shadowing issues discovered during integration into Zope 2.8. Tests may still use 'from Testing.ZopeTestCase import doctest' as the name is aliased there. - Greatly improved the doctest story. ZopeTestCase now implements four test suite factories: ZopeDocTestSuite, ZopeDocFileSuite, FunctionalDocTestSuite, and FunctionalDocFileSuite. - Removed warnhook.py, we now use the one from ZODB.tests. - Removed doctest.py, we now use the one from zope.testing. - Removed dochttp.py + test, we now use the one from zope.app.tests. - ZopeLite now takes care not to monkey patch an already started Zope. - PortalTestCase.setUp() no longer calls _refreshSkinData() as CMF is smart enough now. - Fixed PortalTestCase._refreshSkinData() helper to work with CMF >= 1.5. - Made PortalTestCase.createMemberarea() work better with CMF >= 1.5. - Fixed a bug where using sessions in sandboxed (functional) tests would cause connection pool depletion and subsequent hangs. Thanks to Balazs Ree. - Encapsulated the ConnectionRegistry in its own module, connections.py. Reusing the registry from other modules becomes a lot cleaner as a result. - Made sure to close the REQUEST so as not to leak REQUEST._held. Thanks to Sidnei da Silva. - Modified runalltests.py so it imports modules more like test.py, i.e. without touching sys.path and without the help of imp. - The standalone version of ZopeTestCase gained a Zope 2.8-style transaction module. Tests may now use 'from Testing.ZopeTestCase import transaction' which is guaranteed to work across Zope versions. - The REQUEST now contains the ACTUAL_URL variable introduced in Zope 2.7.4. 0.9.6 - Dropped support for Zope 2.5 as it lacks the setSecurityManager() API. - Moved interfaces from doc section to interfaces.py module. - Test classes now assert their interfaces. - Refactored security interfaces to IZopeSecurity and IPortalSecurity. - Added a class diagram to the doc section. - setRoles() and setPermissions() no longer insist on ListType arguments but now accept lists, tuples, and strings. - getRoles() and getPermissions() are no longer part of the security API because of YAGNI. - Added getHeader() and getCookie() accessors to the response wrapper used in functional tests. - publish() now accepts an optional 'stdin' argument, allowing to pass the input stream for POST and PUT requests. - runalltests.py now supports a '-R' (recursive) command line option. 0.9.4 (not released) - Backported functional doc tests from Zope 3. - Included a copy of doctest.py from Zope 3 (which is copied from Python2.4 CVS). It will be removed when we start requiring Python2.4. - Added dochttp.py script from Zope 3, which is used to convert tcpwatch.py output to functional doc tests. - Added warnhook.py from ZODB. It is used to capture the output of warnings.warn() calls. - Added missing 'user_password' constant. - Many thanks to Sidnei da Silva! 0.9.2 - Introduced new base.TestCase class which contains the bare- bones framework code and serves as baseclass for ZTC and PTC. - ZopeLite now configures the logging module in Zope >= 2.7. - Teardown sequence is now compatible with Zope trunk (again). - Added getRoles() and getPermissions() methods to security API. - setRoles() now asserts 'roles' argument is ListType. - setPermissions() now asserts 'permissions' argument is ListType. 0.9.0 - No longer support Zope 2.4 as its DemoStorage is broken. - Made PortalTestCase derive from ZopeTestCase (again). - Made all xTestCases profiler aware by default. - Renamed the Profiler module to profiler.py (lowercase). - Added support for ZODB sandboxes, sandbox.py. - Added support for functional unit testing, functional.py. - The profiler module now provides a dump_stats() method to write profiler statistics to a file for manual inspection. - The REQUEST now fakes a published object to make the URL1 request variable available to tests. Thanks to Alan Runyan. - startZServer() now accepts a log argument, allowing to pass a stream which the ZServer access log (Z2.log) will be written to. - The 'app' argument of utility functions is now optional. - Fixed custom_zodb.py support for Zope 2.7. - Most mercilessly refactored ztc_common.py. - ZopeLite now loads silently if it does not control the import process. 0.8.6 - Revised and amended much of the existing documentation. - Added an API reference (skeleton), API.stx. - Documented what's going on when tests are run in TIMELINES.txt. - Fixed issues with testZODBCompat.py and Zope < 2.6. - setupZGlobals() now uses a new-style BTrees.OOBTree. - Profiling can now be activated from the command line. 0.8.4 - framework.py now flushes stdout to not mess up the output in batch mode. - framework.py no longer adds os.pardir to the sys.path. Thanks to Yoshinori Okuji. - Made sure user objects are not inadvertently wrapped twice by login(). - Made sure "renegade" transactions are aborted if something goes wrong during the setup phase. - initialize_cache() is no longer called for Zope 2.7. 0.8.2 - Removed the leading underscores from all constant names. They proved non-private in "real life" anyway. The old names are still available for backward compatibility, but are deprecated. - Removed NO_PRODUCT_LOAD for reasons of obscureness and YAGNI. - Added a test for ZODB behavior in ZTC, testZODBCompat.py. 0.8.0 - Added a PortalTestCase base class to aid testing of CMF-style portals. - Added simple profiling support using the Python profile library. - Got rid of the ill-conceived FX interface (don't even ask). - ZopeLite now supports Zope 2.7. 0.7.2 (not released) - ZopeLite gained a do-nothing startup() method for API compliance. - The ZopeTestCase module now has a main() method like unittest has. - Made sure the test user's 'roles' attribute is a list because CMF role-mapping assumes it can append to it. :-/ 0.7.0 - Fixed a bug that caused setRoles() to only work with the default user folder. Refactored the fixture code in the process. - Reworked the connection registry and wrote tests for it. - Made afterClear() largely redundant because it turned out to be just that. - Added close() method to be able to close ZODB connections individually. - Added ISimpleSecurity and IExtensibleSecurity interfaces. 0.6.4 - installProduct() now immediately fails if a product throws an exception during installation. Thanks to Tom Jenkins. - The REQUEST no longer contains the entire shell environment. - Moved all documentation files to the 'doc' subdirectory. - Added IZopeTestCase and IZopeTestCaseFX interfaces. 0.6.2 - The effects of setting INSTANCE_HOME have been changed to something less surprising. Please see ENVIRONMENT.txt for details. - Now uses the environment variable ZEO_INSTANCE_HOME to enable ZEO support. 0.6.0 - Use a module-level database connection registry to avoid freezing after too many errors. - All tests are now transactional by default. - Added beforeSetUp() and beforeClose() hooks to the ZopeTestCase class. - Added utility method importObjectFromFile() - Added utility method setupSiteErrorLog(). - Added utility method startZServer(). - Added accompanying test, testWebserver.py. - Added first incarnation of a How-To. - Revised the example tests. 0.5.3 - Zope 2.6 compatibility adjustments. - Hardening in the face of incomplete Zope installations. 0.5.2 - Delete ZEO_CLIENT environment variable to enforce a temporary client cache. Repair Zope 2.4 Testing package issue in the process. - Provide NO_PRODUCT_LOAD environment variable for completeness. - Added hasProduct() method to allow testing for product availability. - Added new utility method setupZGlobals(). - Added a skeleton test suite, testSkeleton.py. - Added runalltests.py script. - Added CHANGES, INSTALL, and VERSION documents. 0.5.0 - Unit and regression testing framework for Zope. Initial release.