============== Zope doc tests ============== Doctests are a way to write tests while documenting the thing that is tested at the same time. As an example, this file both documents Zope doc tests *and* tests them. Doctests look like regular interactive interpreter sessions. That makes them very easy to create. Doctests can either occur in an object's or method's docstring or in a separate file. Use either ``DocTestSuite`` or ``DocFileSuite`` in these cases. Creating Zope doc tests ----------------------- Creating doc tests for Zope is easy. While we cannot simply use an interpeter shell to write our tests, we can reuse the ZopeTestCase infrastructure to set up the necessary environment. 1. Create a text file, just like this one, containing prose documentation interspersed with doctest ``Examples``. 2. In a test module import ``ZopeDocFileSuite`` and instantiate it, passing the name of the text file containing the tests. For example: from unittest import TestSuite from Testing.ZopeTestCase import ZopeDocFileSuite def test_suite(): return TestSuite(( ZopeDocFileSuite('ZopeDocTest.txt'), )) Examples -------- Here we are going to demonstrate that everything we know about ZopeTestCase is still true for doc tests. In particular, the default fixture is set up for doc tests just like for unit tests. >>> from Testing.ZopeTestCase import folder_name, user_name >>> from AccessControl import getSecurityManager There should be a folder: >>> folder_name in self.app.objectIds() True Containing a user folder: >>> 'acl_users' in self.folder.objectIds() True Containing the default user: >>> user = self.folder.acl_users.getUserById(user_name) >>> user is None False The default user should be logged in: >>> getSecurityManager().getUser().getId() == user_name True The custom setUp method should have been run as well. See testZopeDocTest.py for its definition. >>> 'object' in self.folder.objectIds() True Now let's manipulate our test objects a bit: >>> ob = self.folder.object >>> print ob.title_or_id() object >>> ob.manage_changeProperties(title='Foo') >>> print ob.title_or_id() Foo >>> self.folder.manage_delObjects('object') >>> 'object' in self.folder.objectIds() False