TTW Template Tests

First we create a simple TTWViewTemplate object and then we obtain a
renderer by calling as if it were a view factory:

    >>> from five.customerize.zpt import TTWViewTemplate
    >>> template = TTWViewTemplate('test_template', '<html></html>')
    >>> template = template.__of__(app)
    >>> renderer = template(self.folder, None)
    >>> print renderer()

We now add some more complex TAL expressions to our template, and
ensure that it obtains the passed in request and context for rendering:

    >>> template.pt_edit('''\
    ... <span tal:replace="context/getId"/>
    ... <span tal:replace="request/foo"/>
    ... <span tal:replace="python:repr(view)"/>''', 'text/html')

    >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
    >>> request = TestRequest(environ={'foo': 'bar'})
    >>> renderer = template(self.folder, request)
    >>> print renderer()