# Configuration file optimized for squid 2.7+. It is untested with squid 3.x. # See http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/ for details # Assumes a single backend behind Squid (which could be a single # zope instance or a load balancer serving multiple zeo clients). # To change this to support multiple backends, see the docs linked above visible_hostname ${squid-config:hostname} http_port ${squid-config:bind} vhost defaultsite=${squid-config:hostname} pid_filename ${squid-config:pid} # You may need to set the following if you need to start Squid as root. # This might be the case if you need to bind to port 80. #cache_effective_user zope #cache_effective_group zope ## Log files (http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SquidLogs) cache_log ${squid-config:log} cache_store_log none access_log none # Cache storage # (for a faster cache storage option see, # http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/CyclicObjectStorageSystem) cache_dir ufs ${squid-config:cache-dir} ${squid-config:cache-size} 16 256 cache_mem 256 MB maximum_object_size 5 MB maximum_object_size_in_memory 1 MB # Purge access - zope servers can purge but nobody else # (works best if Zope and Apache are on different IPs # or if Apache is configured to reject PURGE requests) acl zope_servers src ${squid-config:backend-host} acl purge method PURGE http_access allow zope_servers purge http_access deny purge # Deny caching of POST requests acl post_requests method POST cache deny post_requests # Cache Peers cache_peer ${squid-config:backend-host} parent ${squid-config:backend-port} 0 no-query originserver login=PASS name=peer_0 # Cache Peer Access acl all src all acl path_0 urlpath_regex /VirtualHostBase http_access allow path_0 cache_peer_access peer_0 allow path_0 cache_peer_access peer_0 deny all