*** Settings *** Library Selenium2Library timeout=10 implicit_wait=0.5 Resource Products/CMFPlone/tests/robot/keywords.txt Variables plone/app/testing/interfaces.py Variables Products/CMFPlone/tests/robot/variables.py Suite Setup Suite Setup Suite Teardown Suite Teardown *** Test Cases *** Short name (id) Criterion Given a document First Document and a document Second Document and a collection My Collection When I set the 'Short name (id)' Criterion to 'first-document' Then Page should contain First Document and Page should not contain Second Document *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Open browser ${TEST_FOLDER} Given a site owner Suite Teardown Close All Browsers # --- WHEN ------------------------------------------------------------------- I set the '${criterion}' Criterion to '${value}' Click Link Edit Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//select[@name="addindex"] Select From List xpath=//select[@name="addindex"] ${criterion} Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//select[@class='queryoperator'] Select From List xpath=//select[@class='queryoperator'] Is Input Text name=query.v:records ${value} Wait Until Page Contains 1 items matching your search terms. Click Button Save