Setup ----- >>> from import SITE_OWNER_NAME, SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD >>> from plone.testing.z2 import Browser >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> if 'news' not in portal: ... obj = portal.invokeFactory('Folder', 'news') >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit() >>> browser = Browser(layer['app']) >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', ... 'Basic %s:%s' % (SITE_OWNER_NAME, SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD)) Let's visit the control panel and add a content rule. We'll add a rule with a triggering event of `Workflow state changed`: >>> >>> browser.getLink('Site Setup').click() >>> browser.getLink('Content Rules').click() >>> browser.getLink('Add content rule').click() >>> browser.getControl('Title').value = 'Copy Published News' >>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Triggering event') >>> ctrl.value = ['Workflow state changed'] >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() We're back at the control panel. Now we'll edit the content rule. We'll add a portal type condition for *news items* and a workflow state condition for *published*: >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/++rule++rule-1/@@manage-elements' >>> browser.getControl('Add condition').value = [ ... 'plone.conditions.PortalType'] >>> browser.getControl('Add', index=1).click() >>> browser.getControl('Content type').value = ['News Item'] >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() >>> browser.getControl('Add condition').value = [ ... 'plone.conditions.WorkflowState'] >>> browser.getControl('Add', index=1).click() >>> browser.getControl('Workflow state').value = ['published'] >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() Now comes the action, we want all news items to be copied into the `/news` folder: >>> browser.getControl('Add action').value = ['plone.actions.Copy'] >>> browser.getControl('Add', index=3).click() >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.target_folder') >>> from plone.uuid.interfaces import IUUID >>> ctrl.value = IUUID( >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() We're done with setting up the content rule. We need to now apply the rule to the root of the site before we try to add a news item: >>> browser.getLink('Home').click() >>> browser.getLink('Rules').click() >>> browser.getControl(name='rule_id').displayOptions ['Copy Published News'] >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() Let's go back and create the news item now: >>> browser.getLink('Home').click() >>> browser.getLink('Add new').click() >>> browser.getControl('News Item').click() >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() >>> browser.getControl('Title').value = 'My news item' >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() >>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents True >>> browser.getLink('State:').click() >>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='workflow_action') # XXX fix label >>> ctrl.value = ['publish'] >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() The news item should have been copied into the `news/` folder now: >>> 'my-news-item' in True >>> 'my-news-item' in portal True