This tests a roundtrip of customizing, changing and deleting a template-based view via the ZMI: >>> browser = self.site_administrator_browser >>> browser.handleErrors = True First we go directly to the portal tool used to manage the view customizations and check the overview of all registered views: >>>'http://nohost/plone/portal_view_customizations/registrations.html') >>> browser.contents '...Plone View Customizations... ...The following list shows all registered... ...five.customerize.interfaces.IViewTemplateContainer... ...... ......' Next we try to customize a view template by following the provided link. This presents us with some information about and the contents of the template: >>> browser.getLink('customizezpt.html').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/portal_view_customizations/@@customizezpt.html?...view_name=customizezpt.html...' >>> browser.contents '...The following is the source of...customizezpt.html... ...
... ...view name...customizezpt.html... ...registered for interface...five.customerize.interfaces.IViewTemplateContainer... ...registered for request type...zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IDefaultBrowserLayer... ...template ...zcml ...
   ...The following is the source of...
...' We click the "customize" button and enter some new content: >>> browser.getControl('Customize').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/portal_view_customizations/five.customerize.interfaces.iviewtemplatecontainer-customizezpt.html/pt_editForm' >>> browser.getControl(name='text:text').value = """you lose!""" >>> browser.getControl('Save Changes').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/portal_view_customizations/five.customerize.interfaces.iviewtemplatecontainer-customizezpt.html' >>> browser.contents '...Saved changes...' The view name is stored on the template (which can be queried from the template renderer) This is mainly useful for code which wants the view_name anyhow. >>> portal.restrictedTraverse('portal_view_customizations/five.customerize.interfaces.iviewtemplatecontainer-customizezpt.html').view_name 'customizezpt.html' Now we look at the view we just customized. To do so we browse the view registrations overview again and select another template for customization: >>> browser.getLink('portal_view_customizations').click() >>> browser.getLink('registrations.html').click() >>> browser.contents ' lose!...' This is not so helpful, so we customize the template again and thereby check if the view registrations overview correctly links to the customized version of the template: >>> browser.goBack() >>> browser.getLink('customizezpt.html').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/portal_view_customizations/five.customerize.interfaces.iviewtemplatecontainer-customizezpt.html/manage_main' >>> browser.getControl(name='text:text').value = 'you lose, but now you know it!' >>> browser.getControl('Save Changes').click() >>> browser.contents '...Saved changes...' By now we have realized we shouldn't customize just this particular template. So, we try to get back to it's original implementation by simply deleting the view template object again: >>>'http://nohost/plone/portal_view_customizations/registrations.html') >>> browser.getLink('Contents').click() >>> browser.getControl(name='ids:list').getControl(value='five.customerize.interfaces.iviewtemplatecontainer-customizezpt.html').selected = True >>> browser.getControl('Delete').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/portal_view_customizations/' >>> browser.contents '...There are currently no items in...' The template was deleted, which should have also unregistered the local adapter. We test that by once more trying to customize another template, which should give us the regular pre-customization screen again: >>> browser.getLink('Registrations').click() >>> browser.getLink('registrations.html').click() >>> browser.contents '...The following is the source of...registrations.html...' >>> browser.getControl('Customize')