Through-the-web content type editing ==================================== This package,, provides the UI for creating and editing Dexterity content types through the Plone control panel. To demonstrate this, we'll need a logged in test browser:: >>> from import TEST_USER_ID, TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD, setRoles >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> setRoles(portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager']) >>> import transaction; transaction.commit() >>> from plone.testing.z2 import Browser >>> browser = Browser(layer['app']) >>> browser.handleErrors = False >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic %s:%s' % (TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD,)) Dexterity Types Configlet ------------------------- Once the 'Dexterity Content Configlet' product is installed, site managers can navigate to the configlet via the control panel:: >>>'http://nohost/plone') >>> browser.getLink('Site Setup').click() >>> browser.getLink('Dexterity Content Types').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/@@dexterity-types' >>> 'Dexterity Content Types' in browser.contents True Adding a content type --------------------- Let's add a 'Plonista' content type to keep track of members of the Plone community:: >>> browser.getLink('Add New Content Type').click() >>> browser.getControl('Type Name').value = 'Plonista' >>> browser.getControl('Short Name').value = 'plonista' >>> browser.getControl('Description').value = 'Represents a Plonista.' >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@fields' Now we should also have a 'plonista' FTI in portal_types:: >>> 'plonista' in portal.portal_types True The new type should have the dublin core behavior assigned by default:: >>> plonista = portal.portal_types.plonista >>> '' in plonista.behaviors True >>> 'document_icon' in plonista.getIconExprObject().text True The listing needs to not break if a type description was stored encoded. >>> plonista.description = '\xc3\xbc' >>> transaction.commit() >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types') >>> '\xc3\xbc' in browser.contents True Adding an instance of the new type ---------------------------------- Now a 'Plonista' can be created within the site:: >>>'http://nohost/plone') >>> browser.getLink('Plonista').click() >>> browser.getControl('Title').value = 'Martin Aspeli' >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/martin-aspeli/view' Editing a content type ---------------------- Editing schemata is handled by the plone.schemaeditor package and is tested there. However, let's at least make sure that we can navigate to the schema for the 'plonista' type we just created:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/@@dexterity-types') >>> browser.getLink('Plonista').click() >>> browser.getLink('Fields').click() >>> schemaeditor_url = browser.url >>> schemaeditor_url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@fields' Demonstrate that all the registered field types can be added edited and saved. >>> from zope import component >>> from plone.i18n.normalizer.interfaces import IIDNormalizer >>> from plone.schemaeditor import interfaces >>> normalizer = component.getUtility(IIDNormalizer) >>> schema = plonista.lookupSchema() >>> for name, factory in sorted(component.getUtilitiesFor( ... interfaces.IFieldFactory)): ... if hasattr(factory, 'protected') and factory.protected(None): ... continue ... ... browser.getLink('Add new field').click() ... browser.getControl('Title').value = name ... field_id = normalizer.normalize(name).replace('-', '_') ... browser.getControl('Short Name').value = field_id ... browser.getControl('Field type').getControl( ... value=factory.title).selected = True ... browser.getControl('Add').click() ... assert browser.url == "http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@add-field", ( ... "Couldn't successfully add %r" % name) ... assert field_id in schema, '%r not in %r' % ( ... field_id, schema) ... assert factory.fieldcls._type is None or isinstance( ... schema[field_id], factory.fieldcls ... ), '%r is not an instance of %r' % ( ... schema[field_id], factory.fieldcls) ... ... browser.getLink(url=field_id).click() ... browser.getControl('Save').click() Editing the XML model directly ------------------------------ Much of what the XML model editor does is happening in JavaScript, but we can still test the Zope side. Get some tools. >>> from cgi import escape >>> from urllib import quote_plus We should be able to navigate to the modeleditor view by clicking a button on the field list form:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@fields') >>> browser.getControl('Edit XML Field Model').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@modeleditor' We should be telling the browser to load our keys resources:: >>> browser.contents '...>> browser.contents '...>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@modeleditor') >>> '
' in browser.contents True >>> '<schema>' in browser.contents True >>> model_source = portal.portal_types.plonista.model_source >>> escaped_model_source = escape(model_source) >>> escaped_model_source in browser.contents True There should be an authenticator in the `save` form:: >>> authenticator = browser.getControl(name="_authenticator", index=0).value Save is via AJAX. Let's check the save view's functionality. First, prove this won't work without an authenticator >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@model-edit-save?source=something') Traceback (most recent call last): ... Unauthorized: Unauthorized() Check rejection of bad XML "something":: >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@model-edit-save?source=something&_authenticator=%s' % authenticator) >>> print browser.contents {"message": "XMLSyntaxError: Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1", "success": false} We should refuse source that doesn't have `model` for the root tag:: >>> bad_source = model_source.replace('model', 'mode') >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@model-edit-save?source=%s&_authenticator=%s' % (quote_plus(bad_source), authenticator)) >>> print browser.contents {"message": "Error: root tag must be 'model'", "success": false} Likewise, only `schema` tags are allowed inside the model:: >>> bad_source = model_source.replace('schema>', 'scheme>') >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@model-edit-save?source=%s&_authenticator=%s' % (quote_plus(bad_source), authenticator)) >>> print browser.contents {"message": "Error: all model elements must be 'schema'", "success": false} Should work with real XML >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@model-edit-save?source=%s&_authenticator=%s' % (quote_plus(model_source), authenticator)) >>> print browser.contents {"message": "Saved", "success": true} That response should have a JSON content type:: >>> browser.headers['content-type'] 'application/json' We should be providing a link back to the fields editor:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@modeleditor') >>> link = browser.getLink('Back to the schema editor') >>> >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@fields' Enabling a behavior ------------------- For each content type, a number of behaviors may be enabled. Let's disable a behavior for 'plonista' and make sure that the change is reflected on the FTI:: >>> browser.getLink('Behaviors').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@behaviors' >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = [] >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() >>> portal.portal_types.plonista.behaviors [''] Viewing a non-editable schema ----------------------------- If a type's schema is not stored as XML in its FTI's schema property, it cannot currently be edited through the web. However, the fields of the schema can at least be listed. >>> from zope.interface import Interface >>> from zope import schema >>> import >>> class IFilesystemSchema(Interface): ... irc_nick = schema.TextLine(title=u'IRC Nickname') >>> = IFilesystemSchema >>> plonista.schema = '' >>> transaction.commit() >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@fields') >>> 'crud-edit.form.buttons.delete' in browser.contents False >>> 'IRC Nickname' in browser.contents True We should not be offering the 'Edit XML' button:: >>> 'Edit XML Field Model' in browser.contents False Cloning a content type ---------------------- A content type can be cloned. >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types') >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl('Clone').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@clone' >>> browser.getControl('Type Name').value = 'Plonista2' >>> browser.getControl('Short Name').value = 'plonista2' >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types' >>> 'plonista2' in browser.contents True >>> 'plonista2' in portal.portal_types True The new content type has its own factory. >>> portal.portal_types.plonista2.factory 'plonista2' Validation to prevent duplicate content types --------------------------------------------- A new content type cannot be created if its name is the same as an existing content type. >>> browser.getLink('Add New Content Type').click() >>> browser.getControl('Type Name').value = 'foobar' >>> browser.getControl('Short Name').value = 'plonista' >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/@@add-type' >>> "There is already a content type named 'plonista'" in browser.contents True To avoid confusion, the title must also be unique. >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types') >>> browser.getLink('Add New Content Type').click() >>> browser.getControl('Type Name').value = 'Plonista' >>> browser.getControl('Short Name').value = 'foobar' >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/@@add-type' >>> "There is already a content type named 'Plonista'" in browser.contents True Similar checks are performed when cloning. >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types') >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl('Clone').click() >>> browser.getControl('Type Name').value = 'foobar' >>> browser.getControl('Short Name').value = 'plonista' >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@clone' >>> "There is already a content type named 'plonista'" in browser.contents True >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types') >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl('Clone').click() >>> browser.getControl('Type Name').value = 'Plonista' >>> browser.getControl('Short Name').value = 'foobar' >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista/@@clone' >>> "There is already a content type named 'Plonista'" in browser.contents True Adding a container ------------------ We can create a content type that is a container for other content:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/@@dexterity-types') >>> browser.getLink('Add New Content Type').click() >>> browser.getControl('Type Name').value = 'Plonista Folder' >>> browser.getControl('Short Name').value = 'plonista-folder' >>> browser.getControl('Add').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista-folder/@@fields' Now we should have a 'plonista-folder' FTI in portal_types, and it should be using the Container base class:: >>> 'plonista-folder' in portal.portal_types True >>> pf = getattr(portal.portal_types, 'plonista-folder') >>> pf.klass 'plone.dexterity.content.Container' >>> 'document_icon' in pf.getIconExprObject().text True We can configure the plonista-folder to allow contained content types:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista-folder') >>> browser.getControl('All content types').click() >>> browser.getControl('Apply').click() If we add a plonista-folder, we can then add other content items inside it. >>>'http://nohost/plone') >>> browser.getLink('Plonista Folder').click() >>> browser.getControl('Title').value = 'Plonista Folder 1' >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/plonista-folder-1/view' >>> browser.getLink(url='Document').click() >>> browser.getControl('Title').value = 'Introduction' >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/plonista-folder-1/introduction' We can control which content types are allowed to be added into the container:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/plonista-folder') >>> browser.getControl('Some content types').click() >>> select = browser.getControl(name="form.widgets.allowed_content_types:list") >>> select >>> select.getControl('Page').selected = True >>> browser.getControl('Apply').click() >>> 'Data successfully updated' in browser.contents True Now only the allowed types may be added:: >>>'http://nohost/plone') >>> browser.getLink('Plonista Folder 1').click() >>> browser.getLink(url='Folder') Traceback (most recent call last): ... LinkNotFound... >>> browser.getLink(url='Document').click() >>> browser.getControl('Title').value = 'Foo Plonista Page' >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() Removing a content type ----------------------- We can also delete a content type via the configlet:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/@@dexterity-types') >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl('Delete').click() Now the FTI for the type should no longer be present in portal_types:: >>> 'plonista' in portal.portal_types False We should still be able to view a container that contains an instance of the removed type:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/folder_contents') But actually trying to view the type will now cause an error, as expected:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/martin-aspeli/view') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ComponentLookupError... Dexterity Types Export ---------------------- Try out the types export button. We should be able to select our types from their checkboxes, push the export types button, and get a download for a zip archive containing files ready to drop into our profile:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types') >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl('Export Type Profiles').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/@@types-export?selected=plonista2%2Cplonista-folder' >>> browser.headers['content-type'] 'application/zip' >>> browser.headers['content-disposition'] 'attachment;' >>> import StringIO, zipfile >>> fd = StringIO.StringIO(browser.contents) >>> archive = zipfile.ZipFile(fd, mode='r') >>> archive.namelist() ['types.xml', 'types/plonista2.xml', 'types/plonista-folder.xml'] >>> types_xml ='types.xml') >>> '' in types_xml True >>> '' in types_xml True Try out the models export button. We should be able to select our types from their checkboxes, push the export models button, and get a download for a zip archive containing supermodel xml files:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types') >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl('Export Schema Models').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/@@models-export?selected=plonista2%2Cplonista-folder' >>> browser.headers['content-type'] 'application/zip' >>> browser.headers['content-disposition'] 'attachment;' >>> import StringIO, zipfile >>> fd = StringIO.StringIO(browser.contents) >>> archive = zipfile.ZipFile(fd, mode='r') >>> archive.namelist() ['models/plonista2.xml', 'models/plonista-folder.xml'] >>> print'models/plonista2.xml') ... If there's only one item selected, we get a single XML file rather than a zip file:: >>>'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types') >>> browser.getControl(name='').value = ['0'] >>> browser.getControl('Export Schema Models').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/dexterity-types/@@models-export?selected=plonista2' >>> browser.headers['content-type'] 'application/xml' >>> browser.headers['content-disposition'] 'attachment; filename=plonista2.xml' >>> print browser.contents ...