Plone zope.formlib Integration ============================== used to apply a patch to formlib to add 'locale' to the request, which seems to be no longer needed to have it work with Zope 2. These tests demonstrate that it still works: >>> from zope import interface, schema >>> from zope.formlib import form >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> class IFoo(interface.Interface): ... var1 = schema.TextLine(title=u'var1') ... var2 = schema.Bool(title=u'var2') >>> class Foo(object): ... interface.implements(IFoo) ... var1 = u'' ... var2 = False >>> class BarForm(form.EditForm): ... form_fields = form.FormFields(IFoo) >>> request = TestRequest() >>> foo = Foo() >>> bar = BarForm(foo, request) >>> bar.adapters = {} >>> action = bar.actions[u'form.actions.apply'] Now we see if we can use EditFormBase's apply action (we couldn't before). >>> bar = BarForm(foo, request) >>> bar.adapters = {} >>> action = bar.actions[u'form.actions.apply'] >>> action.success_handler(bar, None, {'var1': 'bbbb', 'var2': False}) >>> foo.var1 'bbbb' >>> foo.var2 False