Introduction ------------ Setup the test framework:: >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter >>> from plone.testing import z2 >>> from plone.testing.z2 import Browser >>> from Testing.ZopeTestCase import user_password >>> with z2.zopeApp() as app: ... browser = Browser(app) >>> portal_url = 'http://nohost/plone' We should already be installed:: >>> import Javascript Resource and View ---------------------------- Open the main JS code item as a resource:: >>>'/') And, make sure it's got our code in it:: >>> '$.tools' in browser.contents True Open the overlay helper code item as a resource:: >>>'/') And, make sure it's got our code in it:: >>> print browser.contents /***************** jQuery Tools overlay helpers. ... Open the plugins item as a resource:: >>>'/') And, make sure it's got our code in it:: >>> '$.tools.scrollable' in browser.contents True Open the test page:: >>>'/@@p.a.jqt.testPage') >>> browser.contents.find("Test AJAX Form Popup") > 0 True