Usage ===== This demonstrates how to use the package. Test setup ---------- We must first load the package's ZCML. >>> configuration = """\ ... ... ... ... ... ... """ >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig >>> xmlconfig.xmlconfig(StringIO(configuration)) Schema fields ------------- The following schema fields can be used to describe file data. We'll only test the BLOB versions of the fields if z3c.blobfile is installed. >>> from zope.interface import Interface >>> from plone.namedfile import field >>> class IFileContainer(Interface): ... simple = field.NamedFile(title=u"Named file") ... image = field.NamedImage(title=u"Named image file") ... blob = field.NamedBlobFile(title=u"Named blob file") ... blobimage = field.NamedBlobImage(title=u"Named blob image file") These store data with the following types. >>> from zope.interface import implements >>> from plone import namedfile >>> class FileContainer(object): ... implements(IFileContainer) ... __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1 ... def __init__(self): ... self.simple = namedfile.NamedFile() ... self.image = namedfile.NamedImage() ... self.blob = namedfile.NamedBlobFile() ... self.blobimage = namedfile.NamedBlobImage() File data and content type -------------------------- Let's now show how to get and set file data. The FileContainer class creates empty objects to start with. >>> container = FileContainer() >>> '' >>> container.simple.contentType '' >>> container.simple.filename is None True >>> '' >>> container.image.contentType '' >>> container.image.filename is None True >>> '' >>> container.blob.contentType '' >>> container.blob.filename is None True >>> '' >>> container.blobimage.contentType '' >>> container.blobimage.filename is None True Let's now set some actual data in these files. Notice how the constructor will attempt to guess the filename from the file extension. >>> container.simple = namedfile.NamedFile('dummy test data', filename=u"test.txt") >>> 'dummy test data' >>> container.simple.contentType 'text/plain' >>> container.simple.filename u'test.txt' >>> container.blob = namedfile.NamedBlobFile('dummy test data', filename=u"test.txt") >>> 'dummy test data' >>> container.blob.contentType 'text/plain' >>> container.blob.filename u'test.txt' Let's also try to read a GIF, courtesy of the tests: >>> zptlogo = ( ... 'GIF89a\x10\x00\x10\x00\xd5\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfe\xfc\xfd\xfd' ... '\xfa\xfb\xfc\xf7\xf9\xfa\xf5\xf8\xf9\xf3\xf6\xf8\xf2\xf5\xf7\xf0\xf4\xf6' ... '\xeb\xf1\xf3\xe5\xed\xef\xde\xe8\xeb\xdc\xe6\xea\xd9\xe4\xe8\xd7\xe2\xe6' ... '\xd2\xdf\xe3\xd0\xdd\xe3\xcd\xdc\xe1\xcb\xda\xdf\xc9\xd9\xdf\xc8\xd8\xdd' ... '\xc6\xd7\xdc\xc4\xd6\xdc\xc3\xd4\xda\xc2\xd3\xd9\xc1\xd3\xd9\xc0\xd2\xd9' ... '\xbd\xd1\xd8\xbd\xd0\xd7\xbc\xcf\xd7\xbb\xcf\xd6\xbb\xce\xd5\xb9\xcd\xd4' ... '\xb6\xcc\xd4\xb6\xcb\xd3\xb5\xcb\xd2\xb4\xca\xd1\xb2\xc8\xd0\xb1\xc7\xd0' ... '\xb0\xc7\xcf\xaf\xc6\xce\xae\xc4\xce\xad\xc4\xcd\xab\xc3\xcc\xa9\xc2\xcb' ... '\xa8\xc1\xca\xa6\xc0\xc9\xa4\xbe\xc8\xa2\xbd\xc7\xa0\xbb\xc5\x9e\xba\xc4' ... '\x9b\xbf\xcc\x98\xb6\xc1\x8d\xae\xbaFgs\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' ... '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' ... '\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x10\x00\x00\x06z@\x80pH,\x12k\xc8$\xd2f\x04' ... '\xd4\x84\x01\x01\xe1\xf0d\x16\x9f\x80A\x01\x91\xc0ZmL\xb0\xcd\x00V\xd4' ... '\xc4a\x87z\xed\xb0-\x1a\xb3\xb8\x95\xbdf8\x1e\x11\xca,MoC$\x15\x18{' ... '\x006}m\x13\x16\x1a\x1f\x83\x85}6\x17\x1b $\x83\x00\x86\x19\x1d!%)\x8c' ... '\x866#\'+.\x8ca`\x1c`(,/1\x94B5\x19\x1e"&*-024\xacNq\xba\xbb\xb8h\xbeb' ... '\x00A\x00;' ... ) >>> container.image = namedfile.NamedImage(zptlogo, filename=u"zpt.gif") >>> == zptlogo True >>> container.image.contentType 'image/gif' >>> container.image.filename u'zpt.gif' >>> container.blobimage = namedfile.NamedBlobImage(zptlogo, filename=u"zpt.gif") >>> == zptlogo True >>> container.blobimage.contentType 'image/gif' >>> container.blobimage.filename u'zpt.gif' Note that is possible for force the mimetype: >>> container.image = namedfile.NamedImage(zptlogo, contentType='image/foo', filename=u"zpt.gif") >>> == zptlogo True >>> container.image.contentType 'image/foo' >>> container.image.filename u'zpt.gif' >>> container.blobimage = namedfile.NamedBlobImage(zptlogo, contentType='image/foo', filename=u"zpt.gif") >>> == zptlogo True >>> container.blobimage.contentType 'image/foo' >>> container.blobimage.filename u'zpt.gif' The filename must be set to a unicode string, not a bytestring: >>> container.image.filename = 'foo' Traceback (most recent call last): ... WrongType: ('foo', , 'filename') Download view ------------- This package also comes with a view that can be used to download files. This will set Content-Disposition to ensure the browser downloads the file rather than displaying it. To use it, link to ../context-object/@@download/fieldname, where `fieldname` is the name of the attribute on the context-object where the named file is stored. We will test this with a dummy request, faking traversal. >>> from plone.namedfile.browser import Download >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> download = Download(container, request).publishTraverse(request, 'simple') >>> download() 'dummy test data' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '15' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'text/plain' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''test.txt" >>> request = TestRequest() >>> download = Download(container, request).publishTraverse(request, 'blob') >>> data = download() >>> isinstance(data, file) True >>> 'dummy test data' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '15' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'text/plain' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''test.txt" >>> request = TestRequest() >>> download = Download(container, request).publishTraverse(request, 'image') >>> download() == zptlogo True >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '341' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'image/foo' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''zpt.gif" >>> request = TestRequest() >>> download = Download(container, request).publishTraverse(request, 'blobimage') >>> data = download() >>> isinstance(data, file) True >>> == zptlogo True >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '341' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'image/foo' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''zpt.gif" Display-file view ----------------- This package also comes with a view that can be used to display files in the browser. To use it, link to ../context-object/@@display-file/fieldname, where `fieldname` is the name of the attribute on the context-object where the named file is stored. We will test this with a dummy request, faking traversal. >>> from plone.namedfile.browser import DisplayFile >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> display_file = DisplayFile(container, request).publishTraverse(request, 'simple') >>> display_file() 'dummy test data' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '15' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'text/plain' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') >>> request = TestRequest() >>> display_file = DisplayFile(container, request).publishTraverse(request, 'blob') >>> data = display_file() >>> isinstance(data, file) True >>> 'dummy test data' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '15' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'text/plain' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') >>> request = TestRequest() >>> display_file = DisplayFile(container, request).publishTraverse(request, 'image') >>> display_file() == zptlogo True >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '341' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'image/foo' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') >>> request = TestRequest() >>> display_file = DisplayFile(container, request).publishTraverse(request, 'blobimage') >>> data = display_file() >>> isinstance(data, file) True >>> == zptlogo True >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '341' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'image/foo' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') Specifying the primary field ---------------------------- To use the @@download view without specifying the field in the URL, the primary field information must be registered with an adapter. (Frameworks such as plone.dexterity may already have done this for you.) >>> from plone.rfc822.interfaces import IPrimaryFieldInfo >>> from zope.component import adapts >>> class FieldContainerPrimaryFieldInfo(object): ... implements(IPrimaryFieldInfo) ... adapts(IFileContainer) ... fieldname = 'simple' ... field = IFileContainer['simple'] ... def __init__(self, context): ... self.value = context.simple >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager >>> components = getSiteManager() >>> components.registerAdapter(FieldContainerPrimaryFieldInfo) We will test this with a dummy request, faking traversal. >>> request = TestRequest() >>> download = Download(container, request) >>> download() 'dummy test data' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Length') '15' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Type') 'text/plain' >>> request.response.getHeader('Content-Disposition') "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''test.txt" Image scales ------------ This package can handle the creation, storage, and retrieval of arbitrarily sized scaled versions of images stored in NamedImage or NamedBlobImage fields. Image scales are accessed via an @@images view that is available for any item providing ``plone.namedfile.interfaces.IImageScaleTraversable``. There are several ways that you may reference scales from page templates. 1. for full control you may do the tag generation explicitly:: This would create an up to 64 by 64 pixel scaled down version of the image stored in the "image" field. It also allows for passing in additional parameters support by `plone.scale`_'s ``scaleImage`` function, e.g. ``direction`` or ``quality``. .. _`plone.scale`: 2. for automatic tag generation with extra parameters you would use:: 3. It is possible to access scales via predefined named scale sizes, rather than hardcoding the dimensions every time you access a scale. The scale sizes are found via calling a utility providing ``plone.namedfile.interfaces.IAvailableSizes``, which should return a dict of scale name => (width, height). A scale called 'mini' could then be accessed like this:: This would use the predefined scale size "mini" to determine the desired image dimensions, but still allow to pass in extra parameters. 4. a convenience short-cut for option 3 can be used:: 5. and lastly, the short-cut can also be used to render the unscaled image::