Portlet utils

The portlets need a hash that can play as an id in the html
page. For this, a pair of symetric hash and unhash functions 
is provided.

  >>> from plone.portlets.utils import hashPortletInfo, unhashPortletInfo


Suppose the following portlet information dict:

  >>> info = dict(
  ...     manager = 'plone.leftcolumn',
  ...     category = 'context',
  ...     key = '/new1',
  ...     name = 'login',
  ...     )

Let's make the hash of this. The hash is returned and is
also put into the info dict.

  >>> hash = hashPortletInfo(info)
  >>> hash == info['hash']

If we reverse the operation, we get back the original info

  >>> info2 = unhashPortletInfo(hash)
  >>> info2 == info


The hash must only contain any characters acceptable in a
html id. We should only allow the characters a-zA-Z0-9 . (We
could actually allow -, but it's even better not to.)

For the sake of the example, we put stranger characters into
the dictionary, mainly /-+_@ should be tested. 

  >>> info = dict(
  ...     manager = 'plone.leftcolumn',
  ...     category = 'context',
  ...     key = '/new1-+_@',
  ...     name = 'login',
  ...     )

  >>> hash = hashPortletInfo(info)

Now, let's check it only contains the allowed characters:

  >>> import re
  >>> re_allowed = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$')
  >>> re_allowed.match(hash) is not None