Base Substitution Lookup Tests ============================== Test and demonstrate looking up string substitutions via named adapters. Setup ----- >>> import re >>> from zope.component import getAdapter, queryAdapter, queryMultiAdapter >>> from import TEST_USER_ID >>> from import TEST_USER_NAME >>> from plone.stringinterp.interfaces import IStringSubstitution, IStringSubstitutionInfo >>> apage = self.portal['front-page'] >>> apage.setSubject( ('keyword one', 'keyword two') ) >>> apage.setContributors( ('contributor one', 'contributor two') ) >>> apage.setLanguage( 'en' ) >>> apage.setRights( 'copyright me' ) >>> from DateTime import DateTime >>> expires = DateTime(2009, 9, 9) >>> apage.setExpirationDate(expires) >>> groups = (('groupreviewers', ()),) >>> users = ( ... ('userone', 'User One', '', ('Manager', 'Member'), ()), ... ('usertwo', 'User Two', '', ('Member',), ('groupreviewers',)), ... ('userthree', 'User Three', '', ('Owner', 'Member'), ()), ... ('userfour', 'User Four', '', ('Member', 'Editor'), ()), ... ('userfive', 'User Five', '', ('Member', 'Contributor'), ()), ... ) >>> self.loginAsPortalOwner() >>> for id, roles in groups: ... foo = self.portal.portal_groups.addGroup(id, roles=roles) >>> for id, fname, email, roles, groups in users: ... self.portal.portal_membership.addMember(id, 'secret', roles, []) ... member = self.portal.portal_membership.getMemberById(id) ... member.setMemberProperties({'fullname': fname, 'email': email}) ... for groupname in groups: ... group = self.portal.portal_groups.getGroupById(groupname) ... group.addMember(id) >>> self.portal.portal_groups.getGroupById( ... 'Reviewers').addMember('groupreviewers') >>> self.login(TEST_USER_NAME) >>> apage_localusers = ( ... ('userfour', ('Reviewer',)), ... ) >>> for id, localroles in apage_localusers: ... apage.manage_setLocalRoles(id, localroles) >>> self.portal.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().setProperties(email='') >>> self.portal.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().setProperties(fullname='Current User') Negative Cases -------------- We shouldn't get an adapter where we haven't defined one:: Object with no title >>> queryAdapter(, IStringSubstitution, 'Title') Non-existent substitution >>> queryAdapter(self.portal, IStringSubstitution, 'NoTitle') Listing Available String Substitutions -------------------------------------- We can get a list of all of the available substitutions, ready to use in a template:: >>> subinfo = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name=u'stringinterp_info') >>> subinfo >>> subinfo.substitutionList()[0]['category'] u'All Content' Basic Content ------------- Ask for an adapter to get the URL:: >>> adapter = getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'absolute_url') >>> adapter >>> adapter() u'http://nohost/plone/front-page' 'id' is an alias for id:: >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'id')() u'front-page' 'parent_id' is an alias for id:: >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'parent_id')() u'plone' 'url' is an alias for absolute_url:: >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'url')() u'http://nohost/plone/front-page' 'parent_url' is container url:: >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'parent_url')() u'http://nohost/plone' Minimal Dublin Core ------------------- Title >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'title')() u'Welcome to Plone' Parent title >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'parent_title')() u'Plone site' The rest of Minimal Dublin:: Description >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'description')() u'Congratulations! You have successfully installed Plone.' Content type >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'type')() u'Page' Let's try some non-ASCII:: >>> apage.setTitle('Plone in EspaƱol'.decode('utf8')) >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'title')().encode('utf8') 'Plone in Espa\xc3\xb1ol' Workflow Aware -------------- Review State >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'review_state')() u'published' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'review_state_title')() u'Published' IDublinCore ----------- Creators >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'creators')() u'admin' Contributors >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'contributors')() u'contributor one, contributor two' Subject >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'subject')() u'keyword one, keyword two' Keywords (alias for subject) >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'keywords')() u'keyword one, keyword two' Format >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'format')() u'text/html' Language >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'language')() u'en' Rights >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'rights')() u'copyright me' Identifier >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'identifier')() u'http://nohost/plone/front-page' ICatalogableDublinCore ---------------------- Everything should be in short local time format Creation Date >>> result = getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'created')() >>> re.match(r'... \d\d, \d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d .M$', result) is not None True Effective Date >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'effective')() u'???' Expiration Date >>> datestring = getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'expires')() >>> DateTime(datestring) == expires True Modification Date >>> result = getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'modified')() >>> re.match(r'... \d\d, \d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d .M$', result) is not None True IContentish -- emails for members having a role on context ---------------------------------------------------------- >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'owner_emails')() u'' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'reviewer_emails')() u',' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'contributor_emails')() u'' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'editor_emails')() u'' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'reader_emails')() u'' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'manager_emails')() u'' >>> sorted(getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'member_emails')( ... ).split(', ')) [u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u''] When a user is removed from the user folder, the ownership information, local roles, and group memberships for that user can remain even though there's no user object available. The email adapters can handle this case. >>> self.loginAsPortalOwner() >>> self.portal.portal_membership.deleteMembers( ... ('usertwo', 'userthree'), delete_localroles=0) ('usertwo', 'userthree') >>> self.login() >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'owner_emails')() u'' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'reviewer_emails')() u'' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'manager_emails')() u'' >>> sorted(getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'member_emails')( ... ).split(', ')) [u'', u'', u'', u''] IContentish -- info on current user ----------------------------------- >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'user_email')() u'' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'user_fullname')() u'Current User' >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'user_id')() == TEST_USER_ID True IContentish -- info on last change, workflow or version ------------------------------------------------------- Inspect a version change (the most recent change) >>> self.setRoles( ['Owner',] ) >>> from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName >>> pr = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_repository', None) >>>, 'change comment') Initial revision >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_comment')() u'change comment' Change title >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_title')() u'Edit' Change type >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_type')() u'versioning' Change author >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_authorid')() == TEST_USER_NAME True Let's prove that the very expensive fetching of the change data is cached. To do so, I'll retract the item and check that the last change comment is unchanged. >>> self.setRoles( ['Owner','Reviewer'] ) >>> wf_tool = self.portal.portal_workflow >>> wf_tool.doActionFor(apage, 'retract', comment='retract it!') >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_comment')() u'change comment' Let's create a new object in order to bypass the caching; we'll use it to test a workflow change >>> self.portal.invokeFactory('Document', 'target') 'target' >>> apage = self.portal['target'] >>> wf_tool = self.portal.portal_workflow >>> wf_tool.doActionFor(apage, 'publish', comment='publish it!') Review state >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'review_state')() u'published' Comment >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_comment')() u'publish it!' Change title >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_title')() u'Publish' Change type >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_type')() u'workflow' Change author >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'change_authorid')() == TEST_USER_ID True Portal infos ------------ Portal title >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'portal_title')() u'Plone site' Portal URL >>> getAdapter(apage, IStringSubstitution, 'portal_url')() u'http://nohost/plone'