Utility functions

distributionForPackage is a function that takes a module object
and returns the setuptools distribution object that contains
the module.

It should find the correct distribution for a package whose namespace
is extended by other packages in the environment::

    >>> from z3c.autoinclude.utils import distributionForPackage
    >>> import base2
    >>> distributionForPackage(base2)
    base2 0.0 (...base2-0.0...egg)

It should also find the correct distribution for namespace packages,
even if the namespace being extended is a module defined in another
package in the environment::

    >>> import base2.plug
    >>> distributionForPackage(base2.plug)
    base2-plug 0.0 (...base2_plug-0.0...egg)

If you have a virtual package (a namespace package that exists only
by having been extended by nested packages) it should find a package::

    >>> import enolp
    >>> distributionForPackage(enolp)
    enolp.ppa.foo 0.1 (...enolp.ppa.foo-0.1...egg)

While we're at it, it should also find the correct distribution for
packages whose distribution name has no bearing on the name of the
package contained within it::

    >>> import basepackage
    >>> # Ignoring whitespace in order to make tests pass on Windows.
    >>> distributionForPackage(basepackage) # doctest: +IGNORECASE
    BasePackage 0.0 (...BasePackage-0.0...egg)

    >>> import foo
    >>> distributionForPackage(foo) # doctest: +IGNORECASE
    FooPackage 0.0 (...FooPackage-0.0...egg)

    >>> import F.G
    >>> distributionForPackage(F.G) # doctest: +IGNORECASE
    SiblingPackage 0.0 (...SiblingPackage-0.0...egg)