============== CheckBoxWidget ============== Note: the checkbox widget isn't registered for a field by default. You can use the ``widgetFactory`` argument of a ``IField`` object if you construct fields or set the custom widget factory on selected fields later. The ``CheckBoxWidget`` widget renders a checkbox input type field e.g. >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass >>> from z3c.form import interfaces >>> from z3c.form.browser import checkbox The ``CheckboxWidget`` is a widget: >>> verifyClass(interfaces.IWidget, checkbox.CheckBoxWidget) True The widget can render a input field only by adapting a request: >>> from z3c.form.testing import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> widget = checkbox.CheckBoxWidget(request) Set a name and id for the widget: >>> widget.id = 'widget-id' >>> widget.name = 'widget.name' Such a field provides IWidget: >>> interfaces.IWidget.providedBy(widget) True We also need to register the template for at least the widget and request: >>> import os.path >>> import zope.interface >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer >>> from zope.pagetemplate.interfaces import IPageTemplate >>> import z3c.form.browser >>> import z3c.form.widget >>> template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(z3c.form.browser.__file__), ... 'checkbox_input.pt') >>> factory = z3c.form.widget.WidgetTemplateFactory(template) >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(factory, ... (zope.interface.Interface, IDefaultBrowserLayer, None, None, None), ... IPageTemplate, name='input') If we render the widget we only get the empty marker: >>> print(widget.render()) Let's provide some values for this widget. We can do this by defining a vocabulary providing ``ITerms``. This vocabulary uses descriminators wich will fit for our setup. >>> import zope.schema.interfaces >>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary >>> import z3c.form.term >>> class MyTerms(z3c.form.term.ChoiceTermsVocabulary): ... def __init__(self, context, request, form, field, widget): ... self.terms = SimpleVocabulary.fromValues(['yes', 'no']) >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(z3c.form.term.BoolTerms, ... adapts=(zope.interface.Interface, ... interfaces.IFormLayer, zope.interface.Interface, ... zope.interface.Interface, interfaces.ICheckBoxWidget)) Now let's try if we get widget values: >>> widget.update() >>> print(widget.render()) If we set the value for the widget to ``yes``, we can se that the checkbox field get rendered with a checked flag: >>> widget.value = 'true' >>> widget.update() >>> print(widget.render()) Check HIDDEN_MODE: >>> template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(z3c.form.browser.__file__), ... 'checkbox_hidden.pt') >>> factory = z3c.form.widget.WidgetTemplateFactory(template) >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(factory, ... (zope.interface.Interface, IDefaultBrowserLayer, None, None, None), ... IPageTemplate, name='hidden') >>> widget.value = 'true' >>> widget.mode = interfaces.HIDDEN_MODE >>> print(widget.render()) Make sure that we produce a proper label when we have no title for a term and the value (which is used as a backup label) contains non-ASCII characters: >>> terms = SimpleVocabulary.fromValues([b'yes\012', b'no\243']) >>> widget.terms = terms >>> widget.update() >>> pprint(widget.items) [{'checked': False, 'id': 'widget-id-0', 'label': 'yes\n', 'name': 'widget.name:list', 'value': 'yes\n'}, {'checked': False, 'id': 'widget-id-1', 'label': 'no', 'name': 'widget.name:list', 'value': 'no...'}] Note: The "\234" character is interpreted differently in Pytohn 2 and 3 here. (This is mostly due to changes int he SimpleVocabulary code.) Single Checkbox Widget ---------------------- Instead of using the checkbox widget as an UI component to allow multiple selection from a list of choices, it can be also used by itself to toggle a selection, effectively making it a binary selector. So in this case it lends itself well as a boolean UI input component. The ``SingleCheckboxWidget`` is a widget: >>> verifyClass(interfaces.IWidget, checkbox.SingleCheckBoxWidget) True The widget can render a input field only by adapting a request: >>> request = TestRequest() >>> widget = checkbox.SingleCheckBoxWidget(request) Set a name and id for the widget: >>> widget.id = 'widget-id' >>> widget.name = 'widget.name' Such a widget provides the ``IWidget`` interface: >>> interfaces.IWidget.providedBy(widget) True For there to be a sensible output, we need to give the widget a label: >>> widget.label = u'Do you want that?' >>> widget.update() >>> print(widget.render()) Initially, the box is not checked. Changing the widget value to the selection value, ... >>> widget.value = ['selected'] will make the box checked: >>> widget.update() >>> print(widget.render()) If you do not specify the label on the widget directly, it is taken from the field >>> from zope.schema import Bool >>> widget = checkbox.SingleCheckBoxWidget(request) >>> widget.id = 'widget-id' >>> widget.name = 'widget.name' >>> widget.field = Bool(title=u"Do you REALLY want that?") >>> widget.update() >>> print(widget.render()) Check HIDDEN_MODE: >>> template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(z3c.form.browser.__file__), ... 'checkbox_hidden.pt') >>> factory = z3c.form.widget.WidgetTemplateFactory(template) >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(factory, ... (zope.interface.Interface, IDefaultBrowserLayer, None, None, None), ... IPageTemplate, name='hidden') >>> widget.value = 'true' >>> widget.mode = interfaces.HIDDEN_MODE >>> print(widget.render()) Term with non ascii __str__ --------------------------- Check if a term which __str__ returns non ascii string does not crash the update method >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass >>> from z3c.form import interfaces >>> from z3c.form.browser import checkbox >>> from z3c.form.testing import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> widget = checkbox.CheckBoxWidget(request) >>> widget.id = 'widget-id' >>> widget.name = 'widget.name' >>> import zope.schema.interfaces >>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary,SimpleTerm >>> import z3c.form.term >>> class ObjWithNonAscii__str__: ... def __str__(self): ... return 'héhé!' >>> class MyTerms(z3c.form.term.ChoiceTermsVocabulary): ... def __init__(self, context, request, form, field, widget): ... self.terms = SimpleVocabulary([ ... SimpleTerm(ObjWithNonAscii__str__(), 'one', 'One'), ... SimpleTerm(ObjWithNonAscii__str__(), 'two', 'Two'), ... ]) >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(MyTerms, ... adapts=(zope.interface.Interface, ... interfaces.IFormLayer, zope.interface.Interface, ... zope.interface.Interface, interfaces.ICheckBoxWidget)) >>> widget.update() >>> print(widget.render())