=========== File Widget =========== The file widget allows you to upload a new file to the server. The "file" type of the "INPUT" element is described here: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/interact/forms.html#edef-INPUT As for all widgets, the file widget must provide the new ``IWidget`` interface: >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass >>> from z3c.form import interfaces >>> from z3c.form.browser import file >>> verifyClass(interfaces.IWidget, file.FileWidget) True The widget can be instantiated only using the request: >>> from z3c.form.testing import TestRequest >>> request = TestRequest() >>> widget = file.FileWidget(request) Before rendering the widget, one has to set the name and id of the widget: >>> widget.id = 'widget.id' >>> widget.name = 'widget.name' We also need to register the template for the widget: >>> import zope.component >>> from zope.pagetemplate.interfaces import IPageTemplate >>> from z3c.form.testing import getPath >>> from z3c.form.widget import WidgetTemplateFactory >>> zope.component.provideAdapter( ... WidgetTemplateFactory(getPath('file_input.pt'), 'text/html'), ... (None, None, None, None, interfaces.IFileWidget), ... IPageTemplate, name=interfaces.INPUT_MODE) If we render the widget we get a simple input element: >>> print(widget.render()) Let's now make sure that we can extract user entered data from a widget: >>> try: ... from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO ... except ImportError: ... from io import BytesIO >>> myfile = BytesIO(b'My file contents.') >>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'widget.name': myfile}) >>> widget.update() >>> isinstance(widget.extract(), BytesIO) True If nothing is found in the request, the default is returned: >>> widget.request = TestRequest() >>> widget.update() >>> widget.extract() Make also sure that we can handle FileUpload objects given form a file upload. >>> from zope.publisher.browser import FileUpload Let's define a FieldStorage stub: >>> class FieldStorageStub: ... def __init__(self, file): ... self.file = file ... self.headers = {} ... self.filename = 'foo.bar' Now build a FileUpload: >>> myfile = BytesIO(b'File upload contents.') >>> aFieldStorage = FieldStorageStub(myfile) >>> myUpload = FileUpload(aFieldStorage) >>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'widget.name': myUpload}) >>> widget.update() >>> widget.extract() If we render them, we get a regular file upload widget: >>> print(widget.render())