============================= Utility Functions and Classes ============================= This file documents the utility functions and classes that are otherwise not tested. >>> from z3c.form import util ``createId(name)`` Function --------------------------- This function converts an arbitrary unicode string into a valid Python identifier. If the name is a valid identifier, then it is just returned, but all upper case letters are lowered: >>> util.createId(u'Change') 'change' >>> util.createId(u'Change_2') 'change_2' If a name is not a valid identifier, a hex code of the string is created: >>> util.createId(u'Change 3') '4368616e67652033' The function can also handle non-ASCII characters: >>> id = util.createId(u'Ändern') Since the output depends on how Python is compiled (UCS-2 or 4), we only check that we have a valid id: >>> util._identifier.match(id) is not None True ``createCSSId(name)`` Function ------------------------------ This function takes any unicode name and coverts it into an id that can be easily referenced by CSS selectors. Characters that are in the ascii alphabet, are numbers, or are '-' or '_' will be left the same. All other characters will be converted to ordinal numbers: >>> util.createCSSId(u'NormalId') 'NormalId' >>> id = util.createCSSId(u'عَرَ') >>> util._identifier.match(id) is not None True >>> util.createCSSId(u'This has spaces') 'This20has20spaces' >>> util.createCSSId(str([(1, 'x'), ('foobar', 42)])) '5b2812c2027x27292c202827foobar272c2042295d' ``getWidgetById(form, id)`` Function ------------------------------------ Given a form and a widget id, this function extracts the widget for you. First we need to create a properly developed form: >>> import zope.interface >>> import zope.schema >>> class IPerson(zope.interface.Interface): ... name = zope.schema.TextLine(title=u'Name') >>> from z3c.form import form, field >>> class AddPerson(form.AddForm): ... fields = field.Fields(IPerson) >>> from z3c.form import testing >>> testing.setupFormDefaults() >>> addPerson = AddPerson(None, testing.TestRequest()) >>> addPerson.update() We can now ask for the widget: >>> util.getWidgetById(addPerson, 'form-widgets-name') The widget id can be split into a prefix and a widget name. The id must always start with the correct prefix, otherwise a value error is raised: >>> util.getWidgetById(addPerson, 'myform-widgets-name') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Name 'myform.widgets.name' must start with prefix 'form.widgets.' If the widget is not found but the prefix is correct, ``None`` is returned: >>> util.getWidgetById(addPerson, 'form-widgets-myname') is None True ``extractFileName(form, id, cleanup=True, allowEmptyPostfix=False)`` Function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test the filename extraction method: >>> class IDocument(zope.interface.Interface): ... data = zope.schema.Bytes(title=u'Data') Define a widgets stub and a upload widget stub class and setup them as a faked form: >>> class FileUploadWidgetStub(object): ... def __init__(self): ... self.filename = None >>> class WidgetsStub(object): ... def __init__(self): ... self.data = FileUploadWidgetStub() ... self.prefix = 'widgets.' ... def get(self, name, default): ... return self.data >>> class FileUploadFormStub(form.AddForm): ... def __init__(self): ... self.widgets = WidgetsStub() ... ... def setFakeFileName(self, filename): ... self.widgets.data.filename = filename Now we can setup the stub form. Note this form is just a fake it's not a real implementation. We just provide a form like class which simulates the FileUpload object in the a widget. See z3c.form.browser.file.txt for a real file upload test uscase: >>> uploadForm = FileUploadFormStub() >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.txt') And extract the filename >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) 'foo.txt' Test a unicode filename: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'foo.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) u'foo.txt' Test a windows IE uploaded filename: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'D:\\some\\folder\\foo.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) u'foo.txt' Test another filename: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'D:/some/folder/foo.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) u'foo.txt' Test another filename: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp/folder/foo.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) u'foo.txt' Test special characters in filename, e.g. dots: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp/foo.bar.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) u'foo.bar.txt' Test some other special characters in filename: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp/foo-bar.v.0.1.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) u'foo-bar.v.0.1.txt' Test special characters in file path of filename: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp-v.1.0/foo-bar.v.0.1.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) u'foo-bar.v.0.1.txt' Test optional keyword arguments. But remember it's hard for Zope to guess the content type for filenames without extensions: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'minimal') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True, ... allowEmptyPostfix=True) u'minimal' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp/minimal') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True, ... allowEmptyPostfix=True) u'minimal' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'D:\\some\\folder\\minimal') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True, ... allowEmptyPostfix=True) u'minimal' There will be a ValueError if we get a empty filename by default: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp/minimal') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Missing filename extension. We also can skip removing a path from a upload. Note only IE will upload a path in a upload ```` field: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp/foo.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=False) u'/tmp/foo.txt' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp-v.1.0/foo-bar.v.0.1.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=False) u'/tmp-v.1.0/foo-bar.v.0.1.txt' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'D:\\some\\folder\\foo.txt') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=False) u'D:\\some\\folder\\foo.txt' And missing filename extensions are also not allowed by deafault if we skip the filename: >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName(u'/tmp/minimal') >>> util.extractFileName(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data', cleanup=False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Missing filename extension. ``extractContentType(form, id)`` Function ----------------------------------------- There is also a method which is able to extract the content type for a given file upload. We can use the stub form from the previous test. Not sure if this an error but on my windows system this test returns image/pjpeg (progressive jpeg) for foo.jpg and image/x-png for foo.png. So let's allow this too since this depends on guess_content_type and is not really a part of z3c.form. >>> uploadForm = FileUploadFormStub() >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.txt') >>> util.extractContentType(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data') 'text/plain' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.gif') >>> util.extractContentType(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data') 'image/gif' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.jpg') >>> util.extractContentType(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data') 'image/...jpeg' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.png') >>> util.extractContentType(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data') 'image/...png' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.tif') >>> util.extractContentType(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data') 'image/tiff' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.doc') >>> util.extractContentType(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data') 'application/msword' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.zip') >>> util.extractContentType(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data') 'application/zip' >>> uploadForm.setFakeFileName('foo.unknown') >>> util.extractContentType(uploadForm, 'form.widgets.data') 'text/x-unknown-content-type' `UniqueOrderedKeys` object -------------------------- This object manages the keys of a dictionary. It ensures that no values are added multiple times and retains the original order of the keys. >>> keys = util.UniqueOrderedKeys([1, 2]) Let's now add another key: >>> keys.append(3) >>> keys.data [1, 2, 3] Trying to add `3` again causes a `ValueError` exception: >>> keys.append(3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 3 `Manager` object ---------------- The manager object is a base class of a mapping object that keeps track of the key order as they are added. >>> manager = util.Manager() Initially the manager is empty: >>> len(manager) 0 Since this base class mainly defines a read-interface, we have to add the values manually: >>> manager._data_values.append(2) >>> manager._data_keys.append('b') >>> manager._data['b'] = 2 >>> manager._data_values.append(1) >>> manager._data_keys.append('a') >>> manager._data['a'] = 1 Let's iterate through the manager: >>> tuple(iter(manager)) ('b', 'a') >>> manager.keys() ['b', 'a'] >>> manager.values() [2, 1] >>> manager.items() [('b', 2), ('a', 1)] Let's ow look at item access: >>> 'b' in manager True >>> manager.get('b') 2 >>> manager.get('c', 'None') 'None' It also supports deletion: >>> del manager['b'] >>> manager.items() [('a', 1)] When the `_data_keys` is reset it will always produce a `UniqueOrderedKeys`: >>> manager._data_keys = [] >>> manager._data_keys >>> manager._data_keys = util.UniqueOrderedKeys() >>> manager._data_keys `SelectionManager` object ------------------------- The selection manager is an extension to the manager and provides a few more API functions. Unfortunately, this base class is totally useless without a sensible constructor: >>> import zope.interface >>> class MySelectionManager(util.SelectionManager): ... managerInterface = zope.interface.Interface ... ... def __init__(self, *args): ... super(MySelectionManager, self).__init__() ... args = list(args) ... for arg in args: ... if isinstance(arg, MySelectionManager): ... args += arg.values() ... continue ... self._data_values.append(arg) ... self._data_keys.append(str(arg)) ... self._data[str(arg)] = arg Let's now create two managers: >>> manager1 = MySelectionManager(1, 2) >>> manager2 = MySelectionManager(3, 4) You can add two managers: >>> manager = manager1 + manager2 >>> manager.values() [1, 2, 3, 4] Next, you can select only certain names: >>> manager.select('1', '2', '3').values() [1, 2, 3] Or simply omit a value. >>> manager.omit('2').values() [1, 3, 4] You can also easily copy a manager: >>> manager.copy() is not manager True That's all. `getSpecification()` function ----------------------------- This function is capable of returning an `ISpecification` for any object, including instances. For an interface, it simply returns the interface: >>> import zope.interface >>> class IFoo(zope.interface.Interface): ... pass >>> util.getSpecification(IFoo) == IFoo True Ditto for a class: >>> class Bar(object): ... pass >>> util.getSpecification(Bar) == Bar True For an instance, it will create a marker interface on the fly if necessary: >>> bar = Bar() >>> util.getSpecification(bar) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS The ellipsis represents a hash of the object. If the function is called twice on the same object, it will not create a new marker each time: >>> baz = Bar() >>> barMarker = util.getSpecification(bar) >>> bazMarker1 = util.getSpecification(baz) >>> bazMarker2 = util.getSpecification(baz) >>> barMarker is bazMarker1 False >>> bazMarker1 == bazMarker2 True >>> bazMarker1 is bazMarker2 True `changedField()` function ------------------------- Decide whether a field was changed/modified. >>> class IPerson(zope.interface.Interface): ... login = zope.schema.TextLine( ... title=u'Login') ... address = zope.schema.Object( ... schema=zope.interface.Interface) >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IPerson) ... class Person(object): ... login = 'johndoe' >>> person = Person() field.context is None and no context passed: >>> util.changedField(IPerson['login'], 'foo') True IObject field: >>> util.changedField(IPerson['address'], object(), context = person) True field.context or context passed: >>> import z3c.form.datamanager >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(z3c.form.datamanager.AttributeField) >>> util.changedField(IPerson['login'], 'foo', context = person) True >>> util.changedField(IPerson['login'], 'johndoe', context = person) False >>> fld = IPerson['login'].bind(person) >>> util.changedField(fld, 'foo') True >>> util.changedField(fld, 'johndoe') False No access: >>> save = z3c.form.datamanager.AttributeField.canAccess >>> z3c.form.datamanager.AttributeField.canAccess = lambda self: False >>> util.changedField(IPerson['login'], 'foo', context = person) True >>> util.changedField(IPerson['login'], 'johndoe', context = person) True >>> z3c.form.datamanager.AttributeField.canAccess = save `changedWidget()` function --------------------------- Decide whether a widget value was changed/modified. >>> import z3c.form.testing >>> request = z3c.form.testing.TestRequest() >>> import z3c.form.widget >>> widget = z3c.form.widget.Widget(request) If the widget is not IContextAware, there's nothing to check: >>> from z3c.form import interfaces >>> interfaces.IContextAware.providedBy(widget) False >>> util.changedWidget(widget, 'foo') True Make it IContextAware: >>> widget.context = person >>> zope.interface.alsoProvides(widget, interfaces.IContextAware) >>> widget.field = IPerson['login'] >> util.changedWidget(widget, 'foo') True >>> util.changedWidget(widget, 'johndoe') False Field and context is also overridable: >>> widget.field = None >>> util.changedWidget(widget, 'johndoe', field=IPerson['login']) False >>> p2 = Person() >>> p2.login = 'foo' >>> util.changedWidget(widget, 'foo', field=IPerson['login'], context=p2) False