Documentation utility functions =============================== .. :doctest: We're testing ```` here: >>> from zest.releaser import preparedocs Entry-point-documentation-generation entry point ------------------------------------------------ The entry point for generating documentation does not run when the project name isn't zest.releaser. Otherwise we would generate our documentation every time we used zest.releaser... >>> data = {'name': 'vanrees.worlddomination'} >>> preparedocs.prepare_entrypoint_documentation(data) is None True Prepare a mock documentation file: >>> import os >>> import shutil >>> import tempfile >>> tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> mock_docdir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'doc', 'source') >>> os.makedirs(mock_docdir) >>> docfile = os.path.join(mock_docdir, 'entrypoints.rst') >>> dont_care = open(docfile, 'w').write(""" ... line1 ... line2 ... .. ### AUTOGENERATED FROM HERE ### ... line3 ... """) When the name *is* zest.releaser, we generate documentation. >>> data = {'name': 'zest.releaser', ... 'workingdir': tempdir} >>> preparedocs.prepare_entrypoint_documentation(data) Wrote entry point documentation to ...doc/source/entrypoints.rst The lines above the marker interface are still intact, the line below it has been replaced by the generated documentation: >>> print(open(docfile).read()) line1 line2 .. ### AUTOGENERATED FROM HERE ### Prerelease data dict items -------------------------- commit_msg Message template used when committing ... Clean up >>> shutil.rmtree(tempdir)