============================================================ Simple example showing ObjectWidget and SequenceWidget usage ============================================================ The following implements a Poll product (add it as zope/app/demo/poll) which has poll options defined as: label A `TextLine` holding the label of the option description Another `TextLine` holding the description of the option Simple stuff. Our Poll product holds an editable list of the `PollOption` instances. This is shown in the ``poll.py`` source below:: from persistent import Persistent from interfaces import IPoll, IPollOption from zope.interface import implements, classImplements class PollOption(Persistent, object): implements(IPollOption) class Poll(Persistent, object): implements(IPoll) def getResponse(self, option): return self._responses[option] def choose(self, option): self._responses[option] += 1 self._p_changed = 1 def get_options(self): return self._options def set_options(self, options): self._options = options self._responses = {} for option in self._options: self._responses[option.label] = 0 options = property(get_options, set_options, None, 'fiddle options') And the Schemas are defined in the ``interfaces.py`` file below:: from zope.interface import Interface from zope.schema import Object, Tuple, TextLine from zope.schema.interfaces import ITextLine from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory _ = MessageFactory("poll") class IPollOption(Interface): label = TextLine(title=u'Label', min_length=1) description = TextLine(title=u'Description', min_length=1) class IPoll(Interface): options = Tuple(title=u'Options', value_type=Object(IPollOption, title=u'Poll Option')) def getResponse(option): "get the response for an option" def choose(option): 'user chooses an option' Note the use of the `Tuple` and `Object` schema fields above. The `Tuple` could optionally have restrictions on the min or max number of items - these will be enforced by the `SequenceWidget` form handling code. The `Object` must specify the schema that is used to generate its data. Now we have to specify the actual add and edit views. We use the existing AddView and EditView, but we pre-define the widget for the sequence because we need to pass in additional information. This is given in the ``browser.py`` file:: from zope.app.form.browser.editview import EditView from zope.app.form.browser.add import AddView from zope.formlib.widget import CustomWidgetFactory from zope.app.form.browser import SequenceWidget, ObjectWidget from interfaces import IPoll from poll import Poll, PollOption class PollVoteView: __used_for__ = IPoll def choose(self, option): self.context.choose(option) self.request.response.redirect('.') ow = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, PollOption) sw = CustomWidgetFactory(SequenceWidget, subwidget=ow) class PollEditView(EditView): __used_for__ = IPoll options_widget = sw class PollAddView(AddView): __used_for__ = IPoll options_widget = sw Note the creation of the widget via a `CustomWidgetFactory`. So, whenever the options_widget is used, a new ``SequenceWidget(subwidget=CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, PollOption))`` is created. The subwidget argument indicates that each item in the sequence should be represented by the indicated widget instead of their default. If the contents of the sequence were just `Text` fields, then the default would be just fine - the only odd cases are Sequence and Object Widgets because they need additional arguments when they're created. Each item in the sequence will be represented by a ``CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, PollOption)`` - thus a new ``ObjectWidget(context, request, PollOption)`` is created for each one. The `PollOption` class ("factory") is used to create new instances when new data is created in add forms (or edit forms when we're adding new items to a Sequence). Tying all this together is the ``configure.zcml``:: Note the use of the ``class`` attribute on the ``addform`` and ``editform`` elements. Otherwise, nothing much exciting here. Finally, we have some additional views... ``results.zpt``:: Poll results
Poll results
Option Result Option
``vote.zpt``:: Poll voting
Poll voting
Option Option