Factories ========= The Factory Class ----------------- >>> from zope.interface import Interface >>> class IFunction(Interface): ... pass >>> class IKlass(Interface): ... pass >>> from zope.interface import implements >>> class Klass(object): ... implements(IKlass) ... ... def __init__(self, *args, **kw): ... self.args = args ... self.kw = kw >>> from zope.component.factory import Factory >>> factory = Factory(Klass, 'Klass', 'Klassier') >>> factory2 = Factory(lambda x: x, 'Func', 'Function') >>> factory3 = Factory(lambda x: x, 'Func', 'Function', (IFunction,)) Calling a Factory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we test whether the factory correctly creates the objects and including the correct handling of constructor elements. First we create a factory that creates instanace of the `Klass` class: >>> factory = Factory(Klass, 'Klass', 'Klassier') Now we use the factory to create the instance >>> kl = factory(1, 2, foo=3, bar=4) and make sure that the correct class was used to create the object: >>> kl.__class__ Since we passed in a couple positional and keyword arguments >>> kl.args (1, 2) >>> kl.kw {'foo': 3, 'bar': 4} >>> factory2(3) 3 >>> factory3(3) 3 Title and Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> factory.title 'Klass' >>> factory.description 'Klassier' >>> factory2.title 'Func' >>> factory2.description 'Function' >>> factory3.title 'Func' >>> factory3.description 'Function' Provided Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> implemented = factory.getInterfaces() >>> implemented.isOrExtends(IKlass) True >>> list(implemented) [] >>> implemented2 = factory2.getInterfaces() >>> list(implemented2) [] >>> implemented3 = factory3.getInterfaces() >>> list(implemented3) [] The Component Architecture Factory API -------------------------------------- >>> import zope.component >>> factory = Factory(Klass, 'Klass', 'Klassier') >>> gsm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager() >>> from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory >>> gsm.registerUtility(factory, IFactory, 'klass') Creating an Object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> kl = zope.component.createObject('klass', 1, 2, foo=3, bar=4) >>> isinstance(kl, Klass) True >>> kl.args (1, 2) >>> kl.kw {'foo': 3, 'bar': 4} Accessing Provided Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> implemented = zope.component.getFactoryInterfaces('klass') >>> implemented.isOrExtends(IKlass) True >>> [iface for iface in implemented] [] List of All Factories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> [(name, fac.__class__) for name, fac in ... zope.component.getFactoriesFor(IKlass)] [(u'klass', )]