Creating HTTP Results ===================== This document describes the state of creating HTTP results for Zope 3.4. This is different than it was in the past. Traditionally in Zope, HTTP results are created by simply returning strings. Strings are inspected to deduce their content type, which is usually HTML. Applications can override this by setting a response headers (calling request.response.setHeader). In Zope 2, applications could also call response.write. This allows both: - Effecient handling of large output - HTTP chucked output for streaming Before release 3.1, Zope 3 has a response write method that did neither of these things. Developers coming from Zope 2 might use the write method, expecting it to have the same bahavior as it does in Zope 2. At least until we can satisfy those expectations, we have disabled the response write method for now. Maybe we'll reinstate it in the future. There is currently no support for streaming (at least while holding on to a database connection and transaction), but there is now support for returning large amounts of data. Returning large amounts of data without storing the data in memory ------------------------------------------------------------------ To return a large result, you should write the result to a temporary file (tempfile.TemporaryFile) and return the temporary file. Alternatively, if the data you want to return is already in a (non-temporary) file, just open and return that file. The publisher (actually an adapter used by the publisher) will handle a returned file very efficiently. The publisher will compute the response content length from the file automatically. It is up to applications to set the content type. It will also take care of positioning the file to it's beginning, so applications don't need to do this beforehand. This is actually accomplished via, and happens if and only if that, or something like it, is registered as an adapter. The FileResult, however, does what needs to happen thanks to a special hook associated with the IResult interface, used by the http module in this package. IResult ------- The interface for IResult, found in zope/publisher/interfaces/, describes the interface thoroughly. The IHTTPResponse.setHeader method that uses it also documents how it is used. Reading the IResult interface and the IHTTPResponse.setHeader description (in the same interface file) is highly recommended. In addition to supporting sending large amoounts of data, IResult supports postprocessing of output. setResult tries to adapt everything to IResult. Postprocessing might include XSLT transforms, adding an O-wrap around the content, adding JavaScript and CSS header lines on the basis of elements added to a page, or pipelining somehow to do all of it sequentially. May the best approach win! This merely makes the different options possible. To close, we'll build a quick example so you can see it working. >>> import zope.interface >>> import zope.component >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IResult, IHTTPRequest >>> import cgi >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IResult) ... @zope.component.adapter(unicode, IHTTPRequest) ... def do_something_silly_to_unicode_results(val, request): ... request.response.setHeader('X-Silly', 'Yes') ... return (u'\n