========== Fixed Bugs ========== This file includes tests for bugs that were found and then fixed that don't fit into the more documentation-centric sections above. Unicode URLs ============ Unicode URLs or headers cause the entire constructed request to be unicode, and (as of Python 2.4.4) Cookie.SimpleCookie checks the type of the input against type(""), so it handles the value inappropriately, causing exceptions that ended with:: File "/home/benji/Python-2.4.4/lib/python2.4/Cookie.py", line 623, in load self.update(rawdata) ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required As a work-around, unicode strings passed to Browser.open() are now converted to ASCII before being passed on, as well as the key and value passed to Browser.addHeader(). The tests below failed before the change was put in place. >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> browser.addHeader('Cookie', 'test') >>> browser.open(u'http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/simple.html') >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> browser.addHeader(u'Cookie', 'test') >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/simple.html') Spaces in URL ============= When URLs have spaces in them, they're handled correctly (before the bug was fixed, you'd get "ValueError: too many values to unpack"): >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/navigate.html') >>> browser.getLink('Spaces in the URL').click() .goBack() Truncation ==================== The .goBack() method used to truncate the .contents. >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/navigate.html') >>> actual_length = len(browser.contents) >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/navigate.html') >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/simple.html') >>> browser.goBack() >>> len(browser.contents) == actual_length True Labeled Radio Buttons ===================== The .getControl() method was sometimes unable to find radio buttons by label. >>> # import mechanize._form; mechanize._form._show_debug_messages() >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/radio.html') >>> browser.getControl('One').optionValue '1' >>> browser.getControl('Two').optionValue '2' >>> browser.getControl('Three').optionValue '3' Fragment URLs ============= Earlier versions of mechanize used to incorrectly follow links containing fragments. We upgraded our dependency to a newer version of mechanize and make sure this regression doesn't come back: >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/fragment.html#asdf') >>> browser.url 'http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/fragment.html#asdf' >>> browser.getLink('Follow me') >>> browser.getLink('Follow me').click() Textareas with HTML/XML ======================= >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/textarea.html') >>> browser.getControl('Text Area').value '\r\n \r\n &\r\n' .click() with non-200 status ============================ The problem was that with the below controls testbrowser forgot to do after-processing after an exception in mechanize. That means ``_stop_timer()`` and ``_changed()`` were not executed if an exception was raised. Not calling ``_changed()`` resulted in not refreshing ``contents``. The ``contents`` property gets cached on any first access and should be reset on any navigation. The problem is that e.g. a simple 403 status raises an exception. This is how it works with a simple open(): >>> browser.handleErrors=False >>> browser.open('http://localhost/set_status.html') >>> print browser.contents Everything fine >>> browser.open('http://localhost/set_status.html?status=403') Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden >>> print browser.contents Just set a status of 403 These are the various controls: A link: >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/status_lead.html') >>> print browser.contents ... >>> browser.getLink('403').click() Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden >>> print browser.contents Just set a status of 403 A submit button: >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/status_lead.html') >>> print browser.contents ... >>> browser.getControl(name='status').value = '404' >>> browser.getControl('Submit This').click() Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found >>> print browser.contents Just set a status of 404 A submit image control: >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/status_lead.html') >>> print browser.contents ... >>> browser.getControl(name='status').value = '403' >>> browser.getControl(name='image-value').click() Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden >>> print browser.contents Just set a status of 403 A javascript-ish form submit: >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/status_lead.html') >>> print browser.contents ... >>> browser.getControl(name='status').value = '404' >>> browser.getForm(name='theform').submit() Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found >>> print browser.contents Just set a status of 404 A non-javascript-ish form submit: >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@/testbrowser/status_lead.html') >>> print browser.contents ... >>> browser.getControl(name='status').value = '403' >>> browser.getForm(name='theform').submit(name='submit-value') Traceback (most recent call last): ... HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden >>> print browser.contents Just set a status of 403