Regression test for when the test suite changes the current working directory, subprocess invocation might fail. >>> import os.path, sys >>> directory_with_tests = os.path.join(this_directory, 'testrunner-ex-6') >>> defaults = [ ... '--path', os.path.relpath(directory_with_tests), ... '--tests-pattern', '^cwdtests?$', ... ] >>> orig_cwd = os.getcwd() >>> sys.argv = [os.path.relpath(testrunner_script), '-j2'] >>> from zope import testrunner >>> testrunner.run_internal(defaults) Running cwdtests.Layer1 tests: Set up cwdtests.Layer1 in 0.000 seconds. Ran 1 tests with 0 failures, 0 errors and 0 skipped in 0.000 seconds. Running cwdtests.Layer2 tests: Running in a subprocess. Set up cwdtests.Layer2 in 0.000 seconds. Ran 1 tests with 0 failures, 0 errors and 0 skipped in 0.000 seconds. Tear down cwdtests.Layer2 in 0.000 seconds. Tearing down left over layers: Tear down cwdtests.Layer1 in 0.000 seconds. Total: 2 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors and 0 skipped in 0.162 seconds. False >>> os.chdir(orig_cwd)